Great video reference for FPS makers
Warning: lots of blood and gore. You can support that project on Indiegogo
View ArticleEditor Custom Skins
Get bored of the Dark(Pro Only) and Light Skins? How many times you tried to ask for a new skin....and never found a solution? If that's intersts you, so keep reading. If not, so skip this is...
View ArticleNew UI Basic Drawing like lines, rect, circles, ..
Hi there, I'd like to implement a line graph and I'm wondering if there is a way to draw stuff like lines onto a canvas? Is there support for basic drawing like rect, fill rect, ... in Unity or do I...
View ArticleWhat terrain type to use (pros and cons)?
Hello, I am currently still on the reflection phase of my project (basically a 3D RPG or sorts), and I was wondering what the best terrain type would be. From my understanding, the default terrain is...
View Article[Released] Google Analytics SDK
Google Analytics SDK for Unity just Released: Online Documentation | AssetStore Page You can easily implement all power of Google Analytics to your Unity game. Plugin has clean and easy to use...
View ArticleTips for getting better 3D rendering
Ok so i'm not really a 3D artist, However i needed a few tips as to lighting and rendering to make my 3D City look sort of real, somewhat close to the rendering done in 3ds Max. I've been tweaking the...
View ArticleUnity Sunshine - A replacement for built-in shadows
Sunshine has been released! [Asset Store] [Official Thread] Hey all, I just wanted to show off a project I've been working on called Sunshine. It's a replacement for the built-in shadows that come with...
View ArticleWhy is i zero in debug?
Not sure why the int i which i am using for loop stays at zero in debug. The code is working of a fashion (the object tree is scaling up) but i am a bit confused why. Thanks very any help. using...
View ArticleMarmoset Skyshop - Image-Based Lighting Tools [RELEASED]
I'd like to introduce our latest, greatest project just released by Marmoset Co: Marmoset Skyshop Image-Based Lighting Tools Shaders BUY NOW! | Interactive Demo |... Marmoset Skyshop - Image-Based...
View ArticleMoving 3D Objects in Unity with RayCast
Hey guys. I am currently working on a M.O.B.A style game and im currently developing the caracter movement. so far i got this: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Player_Control :...
View ArticleSUIMONO Water System - 2.0 BETA Announcement
After many months of work, I'm happy to finally announce that BETA access Suimono 2.0 is now officially open! The BETA is open to all current customers of Suimono. Those who've purchased off the...
View ArticleUnity 5 : Wheel colliders
Hi, I'd like to know the reason for limiting the Wheel coliders in Unity 5, I'm working on a vehicle building game and the wheel limit came as kind of a shock. Sorry if this isn't the right forum...
View Articleimporting blender models help
i made a basic barn in blender, but when i import it, not all the faces are there.
View ArticleUnity Asset Store and Tax/VAT
Hi all, I have now been reading through forum posts for a few days, and read the legal agreements, but i am still unsure. some of the language seems to go either way and its just really confusing for...
View ArticleUpside down grass meshes
For some reason some of my grass meshes end up upside down on the terrain. Its not all of them just some of them. If I set the noise to say one it helps some but there are still a good number of grass...
View ArticleWebGL distribution platforms (a letter to the CEO)
Dear all and especially dear Mr. John Riccitiello, who I'm sure will actually be reading this I sincerely hope Unity is contemplating the launch of a distribution platform for WebGL games! Why? (1) The...
View ArticleuFrame Game Framework
We are proud to announce that uFrame version 1.2 is out. Tons of fixes and features have been added. Also a significant amount of re-factors have been applied to support future releases. This is a...
View ArticleWhat's a reasonable price you'd pay for FPS shooter AI?
Assume the following about the AI package (a pack of scripts and components that all work with each other): - Compatible with / Requires Mechanim for animations - Multiple team bots - AI that "learns"...
View ArticlePhoton Unity Networking
Photon Unity Networking Get it. No server setup needed - runs in the Photon Cloud. No obligation due to free plan. Download from the Asset Store: Overview This package implements...
View ArticleKGFCameraSystem [RELEASED]
KGFCameraSystem We just released version 1.0 of our out of the box orbit camera system for unity3d. It is perfect for architectural visualizations and any kind of follower camera applications. View...
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