Kagemusha, Stealth / Strategy Game
Hello fellow developers! I've been working for the past 6-7 months on a stealth/team based games in the vein of the Commandos/Desperados series. It is set in medieval Japan, my main influences are the...
View ArticleMad Games Tycoon
Form your own game studio in the early 80s in a small garage. Develop your own game concepts, create a team and develop million-selling video games. Research new technologies, train your staff and buy...
View Article[NSFW] Hatred - A Mass Murder Simulator - Offended by the trailer? You're a...
<Video link deleted by hippocoder> Offended by the 'Hatred' trailer? You're a hypocrite (and that's a good thing) http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/22/hatred-game-trailer/ The game has caused Epic...
View ArticleSpeed of project "Roll-a-Ball"
Hi, In the unity website there's a tutorial "Roll-a-ball". I noticed that the speed of the compiled game is slower than, for example, the "AngryBots" demo that comes with unity. My question is: Why the...
View ArticleVectrosity - Fast and Easy Line Drawing
Version 4.0 available now! Get Vectrosity here. Vectrosity is a complete line-drawing solution, which uses the new GUI functionality in Unity 4.6. (If you need to use an older version of Unity,...
View Article3d illusion of 2d plane
video link please see the video for a better description Hello. I am trying to rotate a 2d plane relative to the camera depending on the cam's position & rotation to it. the 2d plan is a character...
View ArticleHow many layers in 64-bit version?
This might be a dumb question, but I was under the impression that we could only have 32 layers in our games because Unity was 32-bit. Now that Unity 5.0 will be 64-bit, does that mean we can have 64...
View ArticleRPG attributes and statistics
Ugh so I am so confused on how to do this. So here's the problem. Lets say we a: Level 20 Warrior Character - Strength = 50 (Determines attack damage) - Vitality = 45 (Determines health total) - Focus...
View ArticleUnable to submit to Mac App Store
Hi, We just finished a new version of an app and we're getting the following error message when we try to submit to the Mac App Store via Application Loader. ERROR ITMS-9000: "The executable could not...
View ArticleTile-based game like Habbo Hotel?
Hey guys, Does this engine allow for a tile-based game like Habbo Hotel? That is, moving on the tile grid, and having the players place items down into the world, and rotate/move them while still...
View ArticleUnity 5 and Physx 3.3.0 details...
Hi, all, great News and a lot of fine features announced regarding Unity 5. But the most important one for me is the physx update to Version 3.3.0. So what is implemented to Unity? GPU support (Guess...
View ArticleSet State to last frame of animation / Save position of animation?
Hey there! I've got some questions regarding the Mecanim-Animation System. So this is my basic setup: I've got my character on the left and a Sprite (2D Toolkit) on the right. It's got a Trigger on it,...
View ArticleLots of free .bip animations from Autodesk
Autodesk gives a direct download of a ZIP file loaded with .BIP files for 3ds Max. If your unfamilar with them, it allows you to simply select a biped rig in Max, open a .bip file and it applies an...
View ArticleWhat IS Game Design?
If you look around the Internet or even on the Unity Forums you will find all things lumped under Game Design. Somewhere over the past x number of years people began writing articles about Game...
View Article[ON SALE] Candela SSRR Advanced Screen Space Reflections for Unity
View ArticleWhy when i'm making array happend these issues??
#pragma strict var child : GameObject[]; var size; function Start () { child = GameObject.Find ("/HeadCannon"); size = 15; for(var i : int = 0; i < size; i++) { create(); } } function create() {...
View ArticleOS X 10.10 Yosemite With Unity 5 Beta, Anyone Tried It?
Worried about upgrading and was wondering if anyone had tested it yet.
View ArticleWeird Symbol [A]
Hello, I'm beginner to unity and i already got several issues ! Every time i try to use an asset from the asset store, all letters got replaced by these weird symbol : " [A] ". I have no idea why it...
View Article[RELEASED] BriteSprite - 2D Normalmapper and Lighting
Introducing a new tool for making your 2D games look great: BriteSprite: 2d Normalmapper www.2dAssassins.com/britesprite Buy now | Demo and Website | View attachment 80984 BriteSprite is a tool used to...
View ArticleAny way to preview 5.0 beta?
Hey, I'm posting to ask if there's anyway to install 5.0 without uninstalling 4.6. I would like to test an import of our project but I would like to do it in confidence that there will be no...
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