Feedback on my rock crawler game please
Hi, I'd like some critique / feedback on a game I'm making, Ultimate Rock Crawler, I'm porting it from my Android game to Windows, See a Youtube video: Any feedback welcome Thanks,
View Articleb21 - InputField.OnSubmit Confusion
Hi all, I have an input field. And I wrote a function to be called with the OnSubmit event. I want it to be such that the user can press the enter key to call OnSubmit and run my function, or can press...
View ArticleDestry on TriggerEnter
Hi, I'm trying to make triggers for a game so that when the player enters it something happens. Instead of making whole new scripts for all the triggers in the game, I'm trying to make a single script...
View ArticleUnity 5 Beta Insights
Stumbled across this one here today: A little concerned about: "Unity3D V5 is still a way off (might be this year but more likely...
View ArticleParticle Playground
Particle Playground is a toolset which enables you to be creative in new ways of altering and rendering particles. What it does Particle Playground 2 is a framework which extends the capabilities of...
View Article[WIP ASSET] Project "INfiniDy" - Automated Procedural Design and Manipulation...
UPDATE (29 SEP 2014): The base of the framework is now working and there are already very cool results. I decided to open up the development if there is an interest with an alpha and beta releases,...
View ArticleAsset-Store slow
Hey there, i just tried to use the Asset Store but it is terribly slow. I'm using the free version of Unity and it's absolutely impossible to do anything. Is there any fix available yet? Greetings
View ArticleUpgrading to Unity Pro
Hey everyone. (Sorry if this has been asked before but some googling didn`t turn up any results) Currently I am developing a game using unity free (my first with Unity) and I am really impressed with...
View Article2D Array Woes
Alright. So I'm trying to use a 2D array to simplify determining a modifier for an equation that I use to determine damage. My code (for the array and the methods (that determine the modifier, which is...
Hi everyone! Urban Fantasy is an experimental JRPG featuring an urban environment, social problems, thrill, fantasy and fun. In order to melt these two different aspects (Urban and Magic) the game...
View ArticleTapatalk Support?
As much as I love the mobile friendly site we have on the forums now, will the Unity forums ever get Tapatalk support? It's really great for users that use multiple forums to have it all in one place...
View Article[WIP] Changing the World - Puzzle Platformer
Hi guys! Just wanted to share with you a beta released version we have currently available on the Google Play store that was constructed originally from Unity. Description Welcome to an endearing epic...
View ArticleUnity 5 older projects still work?
Hey I have yet to see this questioned asked guys. Upon the release of Unity 5, will a big project I'm working on right now still work in U5? Or will I have to edit a lot of the code to make it...
View ArticleI can't figure out the error for this.
So the error I got says, "Assets/CollectPaper.js(40,98): BCE0044: expecting "", found '/r'." Here is the script that I used: #pragma strict @script RequireComponent ( AudioSource ) var papers : int =...
View Article"The Mappening" Halloween Mapping Contest - Post your WIP images here!
note: we have previously posted these "mapping contests" in the Showcase forum, but several users pointed out the WIP forum makes better sense. Mods, please advise me if I should change this "The...
View Article[Official] Specular vs Metallic workflow
Hello, With the introduction of physically based rendering in Unity 5, we need a workflow and way to specify materials that makes sense. Currently there are two main approaches, one based on...
View ArticleJump in C#
Hello. I have been coding for my game for a little while now. I am making my own player controller but have come to a stop. I can't figure out how to make it jump? I have it set so when I press the...
View Article[RELEASED] Complete Physics Platformer Kit
Achieve your dream platformer featuring dynamic PHYSICS DRIVEN character interactions, immediate results with DRAG N DROP LEVEL DESIGN and compelling gameplay using SMOOTH, TIGHT CONTROLS! Guaranteed...
View ArticleIssue in OnRenderImage
When I was uing OnRenderImage() to process a post image effect, I found that the depth buffer was lost so I can not continue render objects in the scene correctly with depth. So, How can I keep the...
View ArticleCharacter Creation
I've saw many free tools online for character creation (MakeHuman, DAZ 3D etc). However, I think they're great for creating characters and their rigging functions are easy to use, but I can't seem to...
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