Avoid overdraw on advanced parallax scrolling
Hello guys, Recently i started develope (2d) games with unity (before i did with libgdx / corona) for mobile devices. I think unity has a very nice workflow. So do not blame me if this is a stupid...
View ArticleSuperpowered Cross platform networking library (including Windows Universal...
I have been able to get my Networking library working for all supported platforms of Unity. This includes the following: TCP (includes client tracking and broadcasting) UDP/R-UDP (unreliable and...
View Articleopensource lighting engine
We would like to find an open source lighting engine that allow us to bake lighting in runtime like this software: http://revizto.com/en/ Do you know any engine or engine using in revizto?
View ArticleExploring custom events data.
Hello! I'v done custom event which should send me average framerate and computer specification of player. UnityAnalytics.CustomEvent("ComputerSpecificationsInMainMenu", new Dictionary<string,...
View ArticleBest language for this?
I'm thinking of making a kind of simulation game. A kind of cross between Dwarf Fortress and the Sims. But a bit simpler. i.e. it will do things like simulate births over several generations to give...
View Articlecorrect way of creating huge mesh and store as asset (just the mesh data)
Hello! I am facing some serious memory issues here while trying the following: I am creating about 1000+ chunks each with mesh objects that together sum up around 20000 a 40000k vertices. So this 1000...
View ArticleUnity 5.0 beta 20 available
Unity 5.0 beta 20 is now available for download: http://unity3d.com/unity/beta/5.0 Please report bugs as usual: http://unity3d.com/BugReportingFAQ For those needing alternate download choices vs. the...
View ArticleFPS Kit | Version 2.0
​ Hello! Let me introduce a tool for Unity 3D called FPS Kit | Version 2.0 This tool contain everything you need to create a First Person Shooter - Now With Multiplayer Support This package is no...
View ArticleChanging the resolution of the terrain.
Hey so i have created and painted a terrain only to find out that i left the resolution of the textures to 512. Now is there i way i can change this without it removing all of the textures. Im a...
View ArticleWIP Unity UI skin packs: Gamestrap UI
Hi, my name is Rodrigo Diaz and I've been a developer for a couple of years now. I've always had my brother Juan Pablo, a graphic designer, help me through all of the games I've done. So since we...
View ArticleHow to make enemy grab player with animation?
Hi guys , I'm a beginner in C# and I can't figure out how to attach two game objects with each other using animations, just like a zombie grabbing the player with animation and we need to press buttons...
View Article[Released] Atavism MMO Creator
Atavism Beta version has been submitted to Unity Asset store, awaiting for approval. If you need additional information you can find it on our Atavism website www.atavismonline.com Atavism opens up the...
View ArticleRotation artifacts in Animation FBX imported from Maya to Unity
When importing an animation FBX from Maya, I'm getting an over-shooting bounce artifact in the animation curves. These did not exist in the original animation. I've circled them in red in the animation...
View ArticleWIP Small Works Game / Programming Thread
Post any Unity related small programming / game work in this thread for feedback. I accidentally deleted the old thread because I clicked a button I was not meant too I'm sorry. Feel free to post again...
View ArticleCOPPA
Hi I was going to ask about COPPA compliance, for use with Analytics in games/apps for children, but after signing up and looking at the terms it says: 6. CHILDREN'S APPLICATIONS 6.1 The Service is...
View ArticleA masters in software enginering.
Hey my name Lasse and I'm 17y old. So first of i dont know if this is the right place to post this but you guys have always helped me out so i was hoping you could help me one more time. The time has...
View Article7.1 & 5.1 surround sound
Hello, Wondering if anyone has had any luck building with 7.1 or 5.1 surround sound. We have been working on this and haven't had any luck. We did file a bug (650039) as the editor was telling us...
View ArticleI need just an opinion on this script setup that I have (Image inside)
I am making an adventure game similar to Skyrim, but holds true to MOBA game abilities (equivalent to smite in the 3rd person aspect) Everything works great, and my script works universally for all...
View ArticleFlying around and between planets
Hi peeps, I'm trying to make my character fly around an object, like in this game: http://www.y8.com/games/gravity_gambit Right now I have a semi-working script that involves planets with rotating...
View ArticleSixense Stem
Anyone else excited for this? Only another 2 months of waiting before we maybe get our hands on it
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