[RELEASED] HereVR Race Scene Packs
Available in the Unity Asset Store, requires Unity 3.5.7 or higher. More parts are coming soon. Video presentation (watch in 720p): This pack offers high quality low poly race car and truck models in...
View Article[WIP] - HereVR Race Scene packs
Hi All, this will be the WIP section for the 'HereVR Race Scene' packs. The first pack has been released as HereVR Race Scene - Vehicle Pack 01. and available at the Asset Store here:...
View ArticleApp review extortionists
I was just reading up on App Reviews in light of another thread, then I came across this reddit page http://www.reddit.com/r/androidapps/comments/194y4n/just_a_warning_that_there_are_people_out_there/...
View ArticleAncient warfare
Just starting out project based on ancient melee or ranged warfare. First priority is to set up controller, basic weapon functions and arena combat. All art (except sword and bow) is...
View ArticleAssets that put their files all over the place
Why is it so hard to create a folder and put all your files in there!?!?!? Why do I have to browse through my entire asset folder looking for your files when I want to delete them? This is so...
View ArticleGetting asset sales
I'm looking for some advice and insight. I've had an asset up for about a month now. I personally think the quality is good; I've put a lot of work into it and it serves a solid purpose. I've attempted...
View ArticleMobile Movie Texture
Full Version Demo Version (Same api. Works on all platforms, Windows/OSX/iOS/Android, but watermarks the decoded video) Play ogg theora encoded videos on a texture in your iPhone/iPad/Android projects....
View ArticleHelp exporting fbx motion files from Motionbuilder.
Unity 4.2 Motionbuilder 2014 Anyone experiencing difficulty using exported motion files from motionbuilder? Models initiate in the rig area fine as humanoid but the animations dont. The rigging on the...
View Article"Custom settings" feature requests
I have a few related feature requests, so I figured I'd throw them up here in one post for discussion (and additions?) from the community. 1) Custom build trigger settings. a. Not *every* commit I push...
View ArticleIKPosition not working
Hi, I've got a problem that I hope you can help me with, I'm using Aim IK to aim a weapon at the player (all works fine) then I'm using Mecanim IK to re target the left hand on the weapon when it's...
View ArticleRelief Terrain Pack (RTP) v3 on AssetStore
Updating tool for current user (check for newest updates announced as AssetStore aproval queue is long): Updater Example scene that come with RTP3.1 (this artwork IS included in the package): Example...
View ArticlePerpendicular rotation
Hey, my question is how do i instantaite the object, so that the spawn would always be perpendicular to another object, and rotation as well. I want the Y axis to alwyas be perpendicular to the line,...
View ArticleMotionBuilder to Unity. What export for animations only
Hello, I have a scene in MotionBuilder and in it a character with control rig and a take applied to it. I would like to export only the animation data to use with Mecanim. When I save as .fbx what...
View ArticleGlam Glitter Shaders - The shader never seen before!
Once upone a time, the world of video games was a sad, dark and desolate place... But now you can cover your video games with a lot of glittering and sparkling rhinestones using... The shader that will...
View ArticleMesh Baker by Digital Opus [RELEASED]
If you care about performance… combine meshes, combine meshes, combine meshes! Mesh Baker is the ultimate mesh-combine tool, combining many meshes into one big mesh, as well as combining the textures...
View ArticleProDrawcallOptimizer, reduce the number of drawcalls drastically on your project
Hey guys!, So I've been working on this package that I think the community would love , basically is a draw call optimizer and basically what it does is that it merges all your per-shader textures into...
View Article[RELEASED] AspectSwitcher - Easy adjustments to UI based on device aspect
One of the biggest issues when developing for mobile is device fragmentation. With so many different screen resolutions, orientations, and aspect ratios it can be a daunting task to accommodate all...
View Article2-5x increase in crashes from Samsung devices on Android 4.4.2
@Unity Devs My app has over 100k dau on Android (so a very high sample size) and I'm seeing a huge increase in crashes from devices running Android 4.4.2. The same device, the same application version,...
View Article[WIP] ragNimation: Half Ragdoll! Half Animation! The new Advanced Ragdoll...
ragNimation the new advanced ragdoll system for Unity 3D and Mecanim! What does it do? Tired of your ragdolls just falling down like a sack of potatoes? Me too! That's why we made ragNimation! Make...
View ArticlePlayer Prefs Plist Magic!
Hello, I am working on an Android game using Unity's pro Android for Mac. I am trying to test out some security features that deal with detecting modifications on the player prefs Plist. Each time I...
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