I've got a problem that I hope you can help me with, I'm using Aim IK to aim a weapon at the player (all works fine) then I'm using Mecanim IK to re target the left hand on the weapon when it's aimed at the player, the aim script ..
IKPosition not working
I've got a problem that I hope you can help me with, I'm using Aim IK to aim a weapon at the player (all works fine) then I'm using Mecanim IK to re target the left hand on the weapon when it's aimed at the player, the aim script ..
Code (JavaScript):
- function LateUpdate(){
- if((globalVarsScript.futureSoldierType1Alive[soldierNumber]) && (!knockedDown)){
- if(seePlayer){
- theLookAtPosition = player.position + transform.up * 0.2;
- ikAim.solver.IKPosition =...