New Asset Store Package for Retro Sprites with Palette Swapping
Have you ever wanted to have more sprites in your game, but didn't want to create more assets or take up more memory? This was a common issue back in the early days of game development and savvy...
View ArticleUsing in game store Credits?
So i have it set up where our database stores the amount of credits that a user may have purchased from us. what i am needing help with is: 1) I need the user to be able use the credits to make future...
View ArticleWhat type of array do i need for each of these situations? And why are array...
Hi all. I'm poresently looking at this page; Firstly, i note with concern, this: The ArrayList is a .Net class,...
View ArticleWith Scene NetworkViews, do the clients have to load the level before the...
I have a game with a few hundred Scene NetworkViews located on buildings throughout the level. When the server finishes loading the level first, the client will receive lots of "View ID SceneID: XXX...
View ArticleWhat's the deal with certificates?
I am at the point of uploading a windows store build. I have the developers license and all. So in unity, I create a metrotestcertificate. Is this certificate is what is used? When I build the package...
View Article64-bit WebPlayer availability
As the title says this post is related to our 64-bit WebPlayer plugin support which does actually exist, it's not a myth! We have had this around for sometime, it's just we haven't made it widely...
View ArticleUnity WebGL in Firefox / Invalid State Error
Hi, we have a little problem with our finished WebGL Project in Firefox. Chrome and Safari work like a charm, but in Firefox we are getting following error: An error occured running the Unity content...
View Articlestandalone game micro-lag on network usage
Hi. I am working on a simple 2 player multiplayer game, which is based on the gameplay of marble madness. The game works as it should, except for one thing, which is really making me mad right now....
View ArticleIntroducing Unibill - the cross platform In App purchase plugin!
I'd like to announce the release of Unibill; a cross platform approach to In App purchasing. It's a single plugin that works across the Apple App store, Mac App Store, Google Play and the Amazon App...
View ArticleMemory grows every scene and can't be cleared.
When profiling the app in unity I get an ongoing 4mb memory jump every time I load a scene and come back to the menu. Using System.GC.Collect(), Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() or changing scenes does...
View ArticleQuestion about photon multiplayer.
I was looking at photon as a solution for my multiplayer game, everything looked great until i found this on a website: (Photon server application is not aware of Unity geometry, physics and the...
View ArticleElements of horror games
"Outlast is not scary, it's disgusting!" – smart people. That was an example of average horror games, otherwise they are same. Developers believe that adding blood/gore scenes into games will make it...
View ArticleThinkPad 8 Always Crashed.
Hi, Professionals, I am trying to build a test build on an older device ThinkPad 8, but no matter how do I try, it always gets crashed after Unity3D logo every time. The build setting is: "Windows...
View ArticleHelp Debugging WP8 crash dump
So I am getting some crashes apparently on my live game from players, I got this from the dev center (game is built for 8.0) Pulling USA cc43034c-50cd-4f94-ad8d-60c1e35eb64f WP8.1...
View ArticleCamera Path Animator 3.0 Released - Animate in Unity with Ease
Hi everyone, It's been 18 months since 2.0 went live and after many point releases, it was time to rebuild Camera Path from scratch. I integrated a lot of ideas I've had over this time along with...
View ArticleHMD multiplayer
Hello eyerone! I just started developing games. noob... And i don't want to spend a lot of money for this hobby. The free version of unity is just fine for me. I want to develop a game for 2 players...
View ArticleLogic for chaining attacks into combos
So I've finally gotten started on the melee component of my game: punch someone once, twice, thrice, and so forth until they or you keel over. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from Godhand, and allowing...
View ArticleShuriken system - collision
Hi, i bet the answer to my problem is really simple and it will make me feel stupid. I did check through google, i did try what i found in previous Unity threads and yet i can't pull this simple thing...
View ArticleDistance shadows with Enlighten.
Having some issues with shadows in the distance. I have a large sunlit scene that requires shadows in the distance, I can't set the realtime shadow distance too far as it hurts performance and reduces...
View ArticleDynamic Water System [Released]
View attachment 104922 View attachment 63815 View attachment 63817 View attachment 64500 v. 1.3.2... Dynamic Water System [Released]
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