I have a game with a few hundred Scene NetworkViews located on buildings throughout the level.
When the server finishes loading the level first, the client will receive lots of "View ID SceneID: XXX Level Prefix: 0 not found during lookup. Strange behaviour may occur" errors.
If the client loads the level before the server, everything is fine.
I am calling Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, false) and Network.isMessageQueueRunning = false before loading the level as per Unity's sample code. (on...
With Scene NetworkViews, do the clients have to load the level before the server?
When the server finishes loading the level first, the client will receive lots of "View ID SceneID: XXX Level Prefix: 0 not found during lookup. Strange behaviour may occur" errors.
If the client loads the level before the server, everything is fine.
I am calling Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, false) and Network.isMessageQueueRunning = false before loading the level as per Unity's sample code. (on...
With Scene NetworkViews, do the clients have to load the level before the server?