[RELEASED] Immersive Mode for Android
Asset Store link This package enables the Android Immersive Mode that was introduced in Android 4.4. This mode allows your Unity game to run full-screen on Android devices, hiding the stock navigation...
View ArticleAntiAliasing and Android...
We want some AA for our games. However, some device are too slow to handle it. So we want to be able to turn it off or on depending on the device power. However, when we do it -...
View ArticleInfinite Runner Starter Pack
Infinite Runner Starter Pack Now Available on the Asset Store The Infinite Runner Starter Pack is a feature complete toolkit for any game within the endless runner genre. It is the original 3D...
View ArticleUnity 5.0b9 SharedMaterials
I am developing a camouflage system and I change sharedmaterials in a c# script, but the renderer don't use the new material. This is my source code: Code (CSharp):...
View ArticleReflection Probes best practices?
The reflection probes are pretty awesome, but I'm curious how to proceed with more complex room shapes. If you're walking on a very reflective floor you want to be able to see the sensible reflections...
View ArticleC# Problem With Audio OnMouseEnter
Hi, I've spent 2 hours trying to resolve this, and i feel very very dumb... This is really simple, and i'm sure there is an easy way ( iam not aware of -_- ) to do it. OnMouseEnter i play an audioclip....
View ArticleResearchers find that female PC gamers outnumber males
Researchers find that female PC gamers outnumber males Surveys conducted by analyst firm Superdata Research have found that in the US, women play more PC games overall than men. They also play more...
View ArticleC# / JS Programmer open for work
Hello, My name is Ivan. I have 6 years of experience in programming with Unity. I am open for work. I can make almost anything that you want. I do not charge per hour. I charge per "feature". I only...
View ArticleMore GameObjects or sin/cos calculations, which is faster?
I have around 300-500 enemies that can be active at a given time. Each enemy has needs to know the spawn point for its bullet. They also have multiple spawn points based on the type of attack. What...
View ArticleSaving/Loading Large arrays in runtime, large lag problems (C#)
I have been toying around with my voxel terrain generation and because the game i am planning to create is a city simulator and will have multiplayer so will require large scale maps, i wanted to add...
View ArticleMecanim Control
View attachment 83788 Mecanim Control is an open source coding tool made to allows developers to use a wider variety of methods with Mecanim (Humanoid/Generic) animations. It allows you to not only...
View Article3D Modeler, Rigger, Animator, Texture Artist, Designer Programmer for hire!
Hi my name is Mike Fortais and i am a freelance 3D artist specializing in design and development of applications and games for current generation pc mobile and console platforms -I have 6+ years of...
View Article[RELEASED] Coop Action Game Kit - With Procedural Level Generation & up to 4p...
Alright, so I started making this Coop Action Shooter and I enjoyed the result so much that I decided to turn it into a Game Kit to sell on the asset store. It's quite modular and I exposed a lot...
View Article[3dFoin] Mermaid - November Sale - 50% off all items
Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the mermaid: Mermaid not only can be used as a decorative-quest NPC, but also a mobs or playable character with 2 set of... [3dFoin] Mermaid - November Sale -...
View ArticleSwimmy: The Addicting Life of a Fish
SWIMMY (Tentative Title) Swimmy is the mobile game I'm currently working on. It is a 2.5D side-scrolling survival game in which the player controls a fish to maneuver around an infinite array of...
View Articlewebgl exception
hi, i started a testscene with just 2 spheres and an unlit material. on webgl-export i get the compiler error: Internal compiler error. See the console log for more information. output was: Unhandled...
View ArticleDimensional Rift a New indie horror game
Hello before I start I am sorry for adverting but is really hard for an indie dev to get his work out there a few months ago me and my little team began work on a New indie horror game Dimensional Rift...
View ArticlePost Your Unity Layouts Here!
Hi everyone. I am really curious how people lay out their Unity workspaces. I would love to see them. I use the default 'Wide' layout normally, as it gives a lot of real estate and is easy to navigate...
View ArticleCommunicating Wirelessly Cross-platform
I'm trying to design an app using Unity, and a requirement is that two devices will need to be able to communicate directly and wirelessly. All that will be transmitted will be a simple string, in one...
View ArticleObject Refernce not set to an instance of an object error.
Hello. I am extreamly new to coding, but as far as I can tell this script should work. Code (CSharp): public class HeartsGUI2 : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject...
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