I'm trying to design an app using Unity, and a requirement is that two devices will need to be able to communicate directly and wirelessly.
All that will be transmitted will be a simple string, in one direction, so it doesn't have to be full multi-player networking capability. I need this to be cross-platform, at least Android and iOS, the most likely situation being a Unity app running on an Android device sends a message, to which a (potentially different) Unity app running on a iOS...
Communicating Wirelessly Cross-platform
All that will be transmitted will be a simple string, in one direction, so it doesn't have to be full multi-player networking capability. I need this to be cross-platform, at least Android and iOS, the most likely situation being a Unity app running on an Android device sends a message, to which a (potentially different) Unity app running on a iOS...
Communicating Wirelessly Cross-platform