[RELEASED] Universal Fighting Engine
Universal Fighting Engine Universal Fighting Engine (or U.F.E.) is a tool designed to help indie developers and small companies to make their own 2.5D fighting game using a full open source framework...
View ArticleRelief Terrain Pack (RTP) v3 on AssetStore
Example scene that come with RTP3.1 (this artwork IS included in the package): Example scene - 8 layers, no overlap mode, snow, hollow terrain (cave tunel blended with terrain) List of new features is...
View ArticleReflect Attack
Hello! I'am trying to learn one of my heroes to make reflect attack. So hero must return damage when any enemy attacks him. Hero have property "health". And when enemy attacks. I make...
View ArticleNot Calling On Collision Exit Fast Enough At Start Of Program
When I wait a few seconds after my game starts, everything works fine. (When I try to jump, I jump up 29.4, every time I am on the ground, like I am supposed to.) However the problem lies when I try to...
View ArticleUnity 5 in United Racing! (plus shader settings!)
Hello, I was testing the new unity 5 light and reflection probes and i came up with this View attachment 117322 the background is HDRI, but the road is in the scene, same with the car
View ArticleTrying to reproduce WorldToViewportPoint function
Hello. I am trying to reproduce native camera.WorldToViewportPoint function, for projecting mesh vertices to viewport. I write colors to texture for visualisation. So, here is what i've tried: 1)...
View ArticleMake sphere move for Android devices.
I changed my code from early and I made it simple. However, I cannot get my sphere to move when I press the joystick. Any suggestions? Code (JavaScript): var isDead:boolean = false; var...
View Article[RELEASED] SurvivalEngine - Survival Games Creator!
Hi everyone! I am proudly here today to present you guys my latest project - SurvivalEngine The point of this asset is to let you guys have a strong kick-off to make your own survival games! It will...
View ArticleTime of Day - Dynamic Sky Dome
Current version: 2.1.0 Time of Day is a package to easily render physically based realtime atmospheric scattering. It is possible to adjust all atmospheric parameters to model different types of...
View ArticleTurn Wall's Invisible
Hi guys i know thats probably an already question answered before but after i search almost all threads i dont find one that clears my mind about this. Im creating a Diablo 3 type game i want the wall...
View ArticleOrthographic camera RECT based off points on screen
Hello everyone. I dont know whether it is too early/late(no sleep) or I am completely clueless. I cannot figure out how to fix my orthographic camera's rect to match up to points on my main camera's...
View ArticleMissingReferenceException: The object of type 'ScrollRect' has been destroyed...
This error happens when you have a Game Object with a Scroll Rect attached to it, and it has a child Game Object with either a Content Size Fitter script, or a Horizontal Layout Group script, or both,...
View ArticleBest HTTP Released
Hi folks. My Best HTTP package is just released in the Asset Store! I know, i know. Its a strong name, but I'm really confident that this plugin is the most comprehensive http solution on the market...
View ArticleQuestions regarding current Mecanim features
I'm planning on upgrading my Unity 4 license soon too get in to the 5 beta, and I wanted to ask current users if any of the Mecanim features listed on this blog post are integrated yet? On a side note...
View ArticleRPG style Turn Based Battle System
View attachment 104199 Today I present to you my Turn Based Battle system. The ultimate goal of this kit is to make a single battle system that can be configured to be completely different battle...
View ArticleTerrain Composer, A Tool for making AAA photorealistic Unity Terrain in just...
Terrain Composer, An Unity3d Extension Tool for making AAA Terrain(photorealistic)/Scene in just minutes… Visit www.terraincomposer.com for more information and screenshots and video... Terrain...
View ArticleUnity 5.0 pre-order beta now available
Hey there! If you are a pre-order customer or Unity Pro subscriber, you can now download the Unity 5.0 pre-order beta. Head over to the blog for more information:...
View ArticleToon Town MMO
If you have ever played Toon Town when you were a kid, you probably know that it has been taken down last year. Well, a few fans decided to recreate the whole entire game. They ripped models, music,...
View ArticleStaying Together: A puzzle platformer about relationships
Staying Together: A puzzle platformer by Matthew Holtzem Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/ Staying together is a puzzle platformer about relationships and the challenges of making them...
View ArticleCompletely Real Time Global Illumination Using Light Propagations
Real Time Global Illumination Using 3D Light Volumes Real Time GI That Works? Hello Unity community. It's been some time since BG Light Engine was released. Before it was released, I promised real...
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