!dest.m_MultiFrameGUIState.m_NamedKeyControlList Error
Getting this error (which I've gotten multiple times even on past stable releases): !dest.m_MultiFrameGUIState.m_NamedKeyControlList And it's happening every time I click in my game view or when I play...
View ArticleHow to do responsive design
Are there any examples of creating responsive GUI screens that allow controls (such as buttons) to be placed relative to other controls or the edges of the screen (the following is a nominal example)?...
View ArticleRTS mechanics
I'm curious what people think about the following ideas related to multiplayer RTS. 1) Static or dynamic placement of resources on maps? Pros/cons? I tend towards static since it lets players build up...
View ArticleUnity crashes when opening scene because of high GameObject count
I made a script that instantiates a lot of nodes used for my game logic (3D grid with roughly 2700 nodes, 14x14x14 grid at the time of testing), and it instantiated fine, so I saved the scene file and...
View ArticleChange Highlighted Button Sprite through code (C#)?
Using the SpriteSwap transition mode for a button, is there a way to permanently change the highlighted sprite through code when that button is pressed? Or do I just need to write my own function to do...
View ArticleBeta testers needed for Zombie's Got a Pogo game WP 8 & 8.1
Hi, We need some beta testers for our new game on Windows Phone. Description What a heck, Zombie's Got a Pogo? Try to keep your head intact and keep on moving through numerous obstacles, pitfalls and...
View ArticleRigidbodies experience huge changes in velocity if they are colliding when I...
I've tried to isolate my issue as much as possible, so I have a simple scene with with only one script that changes from regular speed to slow motion and back when you press space: Code (CSharp):...
View ArticleUnity Free: My Rights to Sell a Game?
I was looking at information provided on the site in regards to selling games made with the free version of Unity. However, it didn't seem 100% clear. Or maybe I just didn't understand what I was being...
View ArticleNo Innovation in Mobile Technology or Gaming
The mobile phones in our pockets are said to be hundreds of times more powerful than the mainframes that sent rockets into orbit six decades ago. If so, why is mobile technology limited to Twitter,...
View ArticleTouch Events are disable in Unity 4.5.4 for iOS 8
When I updated to Unity 4.5.4, startup orientation of iOS 8 is fixed. However another bug occurs: When we go from a landscape scene to a portrait scene, we cannot touch on any GUI components in the...
View ArticleWIP Orbital Assault
Check us out on IndieDB: Recently I launched a new game project, tentatively named Orbital Assault. It's going to be a free to play first person shooter aiming for a quality desktop shooter experience...
View ArticleHow To --> Fade Out Music Before Loading Level
Hello all, This is some simple code I wrote, but perhaps it may be of use to someone, I use this to fade out my level music before I load a new level, The new level is loaded by a button press, the...
View ArticleRAIN Artificial Intelligence Engine v2.1 More Powerful, Still Free
Hello All! Today we launch the latest version of RAIN, the development tools of the Sentio Platform. This version of RAIN is the most streamlined, optimized, and beautiful version to date. Even if...
View ArticleUE4.5 released...
Mods, please don't kill me for that, but the speed of their development is breath taking. https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/unreal-engine-45-released Looks like it becomes a valid alternative in the...
View ArticleGame Crashes on Some Android Devices "Randomly"
Hi. I'm developing a game with Unity Free for mobile devices. There were no any crashes until today, when I tested my game on a friend's Sony Z2. I already tested game on iOS Simulators, iPad 3, iPhone...
View ArticleI want to make a game like zelda
Greetings, I am new to the community and want to start my first project with a game like zelda, but not where to start can someone help, tutorials, books, videos or something, thanks.
View ArticleA useful script I created and want to share!
Just thought I'd share this with everyone! I love using PlayerPrefs to save basic information for game data files, however I found they were lacking in terms of what all they could save. I rectified...
View ArticleWill learning C# in XNA be the same as learning it in Unity?
Hello, As the title says, I am beginning to learn C# and I found a highly rated tutorial that uses XNA. If I learned C# in XNA would it be pretty much the same as learning it in Unity? And also what...
View ArticleUnity QA should be done by developers, not non developers or interns
While Unity is improving their patch process, I think the QA part leaves a lot of rooms for improvement. On July 12 2014 I submitted a bug report about CrossPlayQueued skipping AnimationEvent, which...
View ArticleMono for Unreal
Wow. http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2014/Oct-23.html I'm not an unreal fan boy. The largest hurdle to me giving Unreal a serious look was getting stuck developing in C++ again, now this. Create game...
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