Just thought I'd share this with everyone!
I love using PlayerPrefs to save basic information for game data files, however I found they were lacking in terms of what all they could save. I rectified this problem by creating a custom FileManager class to create convenience functions to specifically add the ability to...
1) save and load 3D vectors (useful for storing and reloading the player's exact position for game files)
2) save and load boolean values (useful for a multitude of things!)...
A useful script I created and want to share!
I love using PlayerPrefs to save basic information for game data files, however I found they were lacking in terms of what all they could save. I rectified this problem by creating a custom FileManager class to create convenience functions to specifically add the ability to...
1) save and load 3D vectors (useful for storing and reloading the player's exact position for game files)
2) save and load boolean values (useful for a multitude of things!)...
A useful script I created and want to share!