Change GameObject Layer OnPreRender and OnPostRender not working?
Hi everyone, One Skinnedmesh, Two cameras (one is Main Camera, the other is RenderTexture Camera), draw the scene, When RenderTexture camera begins, get the skinnedMesh to the layer of the...
View ArticleOutline/glow effect for 2D sprite
Hi, I'm looking for outline/glow effect, which I can apply to 2D sprite. I don't care about 3D. Something pretty simple, because it has to be efficient on mobile devices. I know I can make second...
View Article[Released] Graph Maker - UGUI - NGUI - DFGUI (line graphs, bar graphs, pie... If you have questions, bugs, feature requests, etc that you don't want to share with the thread, please send them to This package...
View ArticleProject Ion - MMO (open for testing)
​ Project Ion is developed by Joey and Jelle Jansen in their free time.In 2011 they started with this online multiplayer experiment. The project is 24/7 accessible for participants and since the start...
View ArticleNo downloads
Hi Unity3d-Community, may you can help me with a big problem of my. Currently i lost a bit of motivating cause developed 6 apps with a lot of love they may look like a beginner but thats a fact of my...
View ArticleCommandInvokationFailure: Android Asset Packaging Tool failed (No stderr to...
I'm new to Android development but I've gotten far enough (drivers, unity external tools path, etc) to get to this error. As you can see below, the stderr isn't giving me anything to work with. Some...
View ArticleMovies about programming
I just finished watching "The Social Network" and i have to say, movies like these really inspire me to continue programming. I also watched "indie Game: The Movie" Which inspired me to start...
View ArticleCan I sell this 2d donkey mount?
Do you think anyone would buy it if I made more animations, like eating, walking slowly, etc. (and different colors)? Having a guy sit on him should be scriptable, right? No need to make him on the...
View ArticleHow does a RPC work?
Sorry, I posted this in the "Scripting" section and realized it probably wouldn't get proper attention over there, so I posted it here too. Alright, so I've written a piece of code that is "Supposed"...
View Articletext above the player with his name
hey guys i want to make a script that will show text above players with their names. its very easy for single player but for multiplayer it made MY HEAD BLOW UP! i tried some concepts that i thought...
View ArticleUnity on Ubuntu
Recently my windows computer gave up and died (hard drive failure, and no recovery disks). Instead of buying windows again I'm planning on switching to ubuntu. What are the positives and negatives of...
View Articlehow to say that in c# ?
hi i want to say that every time the transform .position.z increase by 500 Spawn The prefabs i know my script is tottaly wrong but i just want to know how to say it in correct format ? Code (CSharp):...
View ArticleBeta testers needed for Zombie's Got a Pogo game WP 8 & 8.1
Hi, We need some beta testers for our new game on Windows Phone. Description What a heck, Zombie's Got a Pogo? Try to keep your head intact and keep on moving through numerous obstacles, pitfalls and...
View ArticlePrevent particles from moving when colliding
I am making a snow effect and using Rnd Force (Particle Animator) to make it more realistic, and World Particle Collider to make it stick to the surface. However it will still try to move randomly on...
View ArticleInternal error communicating with the shader compiler process (4.5.5p1)
Aras, since only necessary shaders are compiled while being in the editor I've ran into a lot of problems when building. Today I switched to the newest patch and get "Internal error communicating with...
View ArticleAntialiasing in Unity 5
This is a quick question for the graphics devs. As Unity 5 is switching over to a fully deferred renderer, MSAA in its traditional form will no longer work (a problem all deferred engines have had to...
View ArticleMy first Android game
Hello there Unity community, I have released my first Android based game with iOS support coming soon. I would love to receive any feedback from anyone who would be willing to check it out. Positive...
View Article[Official] Specular vs Metallic workflow
Hello, With the introduction of physically based rendering in Unity 5, we need a workflow and way to specify materials that makes sense. Currently there are two main approaches, one based on...
View ArticleProgramming 2d Polygon surface?
Hello, I want to program a 2d polygon surface like the image below. The start of the polygon is bottom left. When I create this polygon surface I want to fill it with solid color or an image...
View ArticleNoob needs help with C# HealthPickup
Howdy! Im having trouble with my health pickup script. In my PlayerHealth Script: The player has a playerStartingHealth of 5. Then a playerCurrentHealth that keeps track of the player health when...
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