Aras, since only necessary shaders are compiled while being in the editor I've ran into a lot of problems when building.
Today I switched to the newest patch and get "Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process" during a build which I never had before. Actually I have no idea what to do to fix it.
It is generally harder to find errors in complex shaders now unless you press build and test a lot more (and I already tested a lot on the devices before).
I was several times...
Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process (4.5.5p1)
Today I switched to the newest patch and get "Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process" during a build which I never had before. Actually I have no idea what to do to fix it.
It is generally harder to find errors in complex shaders now unless you press build and test a lot more (and I already tested a lot on the devices before).
I was several times...
Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process (4.5.5p1)