Planet Terrain Editor & Generator [Asset] [RELEASED]
Hi, folks. Recently, I finished my new asset - planet terrain editor. Youtube Demo: WEB DEMO(medium sized planet) : 6500 vertices AssetStore link ... Planet Terrain Editor & Generator [Asset]...
View ArticleGUI Text Position Issue
Hi Community, I have created a sprite button and added a GUI text over it and put both the game objects inside an empty game object. I have to create an move animation over the button by which it...
View ArticleInventory system based on mouse coordinates
Hello @ all, first my english is not the best so please be patient I want to create a inventory system based on a coordinate system and i need some help. I know how to check if the mouse is on a...
View ArticleKubold's Animset Basic - smaller mocap packs, lower price [RELEASED]
Hi! I'm releasing a series of smaller animation packs. Not everyone needs a full, $60 dollar, 130 animations set. Sometimes just running or just walking animations are enough. Why should you resign...
View Article"True Explosions!" framework for ray based explosios. [Published. Free]
Check out the teaser: AssetStore link Hi! My name is Michael Panin (aka @marsermd) and I am making a unity plugin for creating physical realistic explosions. I've watched official tutorials and I've...
View ArticleOnSerializeNetworkView and rigidbody2D
I'm new to Unity networking. As a learning exercise I started with the following tutorial that many have suggested....
View ArticleHoney Hex framework
Update: Honey is now available for purchase on the Asset Store here:!/content/21650 View attachment 110827 Video Tutorials: Tutorial 1: Quick start guide...
View Article4.6b19 - object "must be a prefab in the project view" - it IS a prefab!
I'm running into an issue where calling Network.Instantiate using a prefab reference in the inspector (to a prefab in the project view) is bringing up this error message: The object PlayerController...
View Article[HELP] Need advice on how to structure my RTS Multiplayer Game
Hello, couple days ago I've started working on a real time strategy (Age of empires style) multiplayer based game (Meaning no AI for the time) and I've reached a point that I'm unsure how to follow...
View ArticleNeed help fixing a function I do not understand.
I have taken a function from the unity wiki, and converted it to C#. Here is my version: Code (csharp): public bool PolyContainsPoint...
View ArticleResources folder ambiguity
Hello there! In the Resources script reference, it states the following: In Unity you usually don't use path names to access assets, instead you expose a reference to an asset by declaring a...
View ArticleIndieEffects: Bringing (almost) AAA quality Post-Process FX to Unity Indie
For those looking for any type of image effect (especially motion blur) for unity free, I present my Indie Effects Package! This uses Texture2D.ReadPixels to capture the screen and put it in a texture...
View Articlestore values for players (kills, deaths etc)
Hey guys the title says just about all im trying to see my best option to switch from unity networking, was going with photon i guess, my question is whats the proper way to store values...
Hi there! Here it comes!! HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK Volume 2 is now available as a special offer both on Unity Asset Store and Protofactor Store. DIRECT LINK TO ASSET STORE This pack currently...
View ArticleCar Paint Mobile Shader PRO [RELEASED]
LINK TO ASSET STORE Current Version : 3.2 Car Paint Mobile Shader PRO is a mobile version of popular and most compex car shader for Unity3d... Car Paint Mobile Shader PRO [RELEASED]
View ArticleNetwork.Instantiate confusion (#2)
Basically this: I was looking for a way to check client input to the server before processing it (RPC/Instantiate) but did not...
View ArticleQuestion about UI Interfaces and Events
Hi! I'm really liking the new UI system so far, for now mostly because it is super easy to create debug controls and mock up temp controls for prototypes. There are two things I'm really curious about:...
View ArticleShadows casters and material instances - incorrect batching?
Hi, I've got a shader which modifies vertex positions based on a shader parameter (to blend between two keyframes, essentially). I've added a ShadowCaster pass to the shader, so this movement is...
View ArticleProcess and upload 3DS models to Unity Bathroom App - 10,000 products required
We are looking for someone with experience using Unity3D to help with this task: We have around 10,000 3D bathroom product models that we need to process as follows: The products will be uploaded in...
View ArticleButtons within scroll rect are difficult to press on mobile
I have a scroll rect which presents a grid of icon buttons. On desktop the buttons are easy to click, on mobile (android) the buttons are difficult to press. When I tap them It seems that only the...
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