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AssetStore link
My name is Michael Panin (aka @marsermd) and I am making a unity plugin for creating physical realistic explosions. I've watched official tutorials and I've looked into asset store and I am terrified.
The most popular way to emulate an explosion effect is to apply an explosion force to all objects in some radius, which is nice and easy, but not...
"True Explosions!" framework for ray based explosios. [Published. Free]
AssetStore link
My name is Michael Panin (aka @marsermd) and I am making a unity plugin for creating physical realistic explosions. I've watched official tutorials and I've looked into asset store and I am terrified.
The most popular way to emulate an explosion effect is to apply an explosion force to all objects in some radius, which is nice and easy, but not...
"True Explosions!" framework for ray based explosios. [Published. Free]