[WIP] Dream Knights. Collect-A-Thon Co-op 3D Platformer.
Dream Knights! A 3D Collect-A-Thon Platformer with 4 Player Co-op and more! (Scroll below and my other posts besides OP will be updates on the games development) Name was changed from "Cube Knights" to...
View ArticleUnity editor crashes when building Android project
Hello everyone, I am now working on Vuforia Augmented Reality project for Android devices. All worked fine since today. I mean the last time I built the project was on last Friday and today morning...
View Articleshadows donĀ“t work anymore
Hey mates, i have a shadow problem in the android mode (iOS mode the same). I donĀ“t have shadows...if i switch to Windows mode, the shadows are working. But the problem are not on all my computerĀ“s!...
View ArticleVery low floating point precision error?
I know floating points are precise to a point, but how come I'm having issues at only 4 places? Since ParticleSystem.Particle particles cannot be tracked or have components added to them I'm tracking...
View Article[Question] Chivalry Combat System
I just wanted to pick everyone brains about the combat system in chivalry. I'm not working on anything like that right now but I would love to use it in some way in the future. Do you think it's more...
View ArticleWIP Small Works Game / Programming Thread
Post any Unity related small programming / game work in this thread for feedback. I accidentally deleted the old thread because I clicked a button I was not meant too I'm sorry. Feel free to post again...
View ArticleEffective 2d Animation with Mecanim - Sample Code Inside
Hi all, put together some scripts for a simple and effective animation controller for 2D sprites. Attached is: PDF with a brief summary. Unity package with code and a sample that extends the Unity 2D...
View Article[RELEASED] FPS Character Animation Pack
View attachment 93827 BUY NOW - UNITY ASSET STORE or BUY NOW - GAME READY ART WEBSITE Current Version: 2.0ā Product Overview - Version... [RELEASED] FPS Character Animation Pack
View ArticleIntentionally Render Nothing
You know, I have no idea what the best way to do this is hahah. The use case is, I want to render a specific submesh of a mesh (readonly) with 3 submeshes. As far as I can tell the only way to do this...
View Article[SOLVED] Duplicating Players After Multiple Logins
After each login to my server, each client instantiates an extra prefab for itself, and causes each previous client to spawn an extra one, ad infinitum. My guess is that this has something to do with...
View ArticleNewbie Starting
Hey Just wanted to say hi to the unity community. Just starting out on learning Unity 3D and 3DS Max. No doubt i will be in these forums with tons of questions in the future. Anyone else starting out...
View Article3d elements in 2D scene? Please assist.
Hello. I am still learning Unity. I created a 3D object in Maya. The object has animation on it from within Maya. I am working on a 2D scene in Unity. I want to import the 3D object (with it's...
View Article[TerrainEngine] Marching Cubes : Infinite / Procedural Smooth Terrain
View attachment 75899 TerrainEngine is a framework for procedural terrains or objects. It contains a robust core and fully customizable for all types of algorithms. Marching Cubes. TerrainEngine can...
View ArticleInstantiateSingle can only be called from the main thread
I'm beginner in scripting in Unity 3d. I'm trying to call a function inside a C-sharp script from a Javascript. The javascript is intended to manage the incoming OSC messages. As shown in the attached...
View ArticleUI Documentation (Now Online)
You can view the latest 4.6 beta documentation online. Manual & Scripting Reference Notice that these have a unique URL for 4.6. The official online documentation will not include these changes...
View ArticleTextMesh Pro - Advanced Text Rendering for Unity - Beta now available in...
UPDATE The first public beta of TextMesh Pro is now available on the Asset Store Here is a link to the new Asset Store Forum Thread. Should you have any questions about the functionality / features...
View ArticleAssign a packed sprite to an Image?
Hello, I used Unity's Sprite Packer (in 4.6b18) to create an atlas containing all my items icons and I'm simply trying to figure out how to access this atlas in order to assign one of its sprites to my...
View ArticleAmplify Texture 2 - Development Showcase
*Update: Public Development Trial now available, Blog Post ; New Product Page and Manual *Update: Dev Build 3 now available, full changelog: Download Page Amplify Texture 2 is coming and with it a...
View ArticleNow this is weird... (Problem with ObjSpaceLightDir)
Hi. I have something strang going on with a shader I wrote specifically to hard-code all the lighting code, rather than using a surface shader, as surface shaders, I have found, are optimized, but I...
View Articlecut away shader problem - forward facing pixels are not rendering properly -
The problem is shown below, the cut section is displaying fine but when the model is orbited around its swapping between which faces are getting rendered when they actually all should be. View...
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