Heroes of Flatlandia - fantasy turn based strategy
I would like to introduce you our game Heroes of Flatlandia, that we create with my brother in our spare time. It is fantasy turn based strategy inspired by legendary games Heroes of might and magic...
View ArticleWhat does BloomOptimized and 4x anti-aliasing product such huge RenderTexture...
This is my BloomOpimized script,which is based on Unity's embedded one: Code (CSharp): using System; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects { [ExecuteInEditMode]...
View ArticleUnity android game crashes on some devices after building for il2cpp
The game crashes after I build it with il2cpp.I used to build with mono and it would work normally,however mono does not support 64 bit so I have to use il2cpp.The game works normally on some devices...
View ArticleEnlighten deprecation and replacement solution
Due to Geomerics shutting down Enlighten as a product, Unity is required to remove Enlighten. Unity will continue support for Enlighten in the built-in renderer as it currently exists today (as-is,...
View ArticleAndroid Imediate crash after implementing unity IAP
I recently Implemented unity cross platform IAP for one non consumable purchase and I also added the correlating info to the google play console. Another thing that seems relevant is I added...
View ArticleLocalized String Reference not unloading
I have noticed that the Addressables profiler is showing a bunch of items not being unloaded. I narrowed it down to the LocalizeStringReference component attached to my UI elements. To test this I...
View ArticleHoloLens 2 Emulator input controls not working
I have no input controls in the emulator neither running as admin or not. Also running it from windows start menu as admin or not I have no input controls. The emulator worked fine after some...
View ArticleNew SubScene & ConvertToEntity workflows
With the Unity.Entities release today, we are adding support for SubScenes and the new ConvertToEntity script. The main concept is that instead of using ComponentDataProxy / ComponentDataWrapper. We...
View Article► Curved World 2 ◄
Purchase Curved World on the Asset Store Have you ever dreamed about creating games like Subway Surfers, Minion Rush, Animal Crossing etc? Curved World is full shader solution for creating various...
View ArticleUnity UI elements could not be found in 2018.3.0a6 Beta (Personal)
After installing the latest Unity beta when re-assured that it fixed bugs regarding the input manager, I opened my project with the new version and received these two errors: Code (CSharp):...
View ArticleProblema Con FirstPersonCharacter
Hola, Tengo Un Problema Con First Person Character De Standard Assets, Cuando Pongo El FPSController En La Escena Y Pongo Play, El Jugador Se Queda Quieto.
View Article[RELEASED] Dialogue System for Unity - easy conversations, quests, and more!
The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera shots, animation, etc.),...
View ArticleExperimental 2D Lights and Shader Graph support in LWRP
View attachment 425203 We’ve released a 2D Renderer in an experimental namespace in LWRP. This version includes: 2D Lights Lit and Unlit Sprite Masternode in Shader Graph Pixel Perfect Camera component...
View ArticleUnity 2019 Android build crashes on devices using Adreno 506 GPU
After we upgraded our game from Unity 2018.2.21 to Unity 2019.1.*, we found a lot of crashes on Firebase Crashlytics. View attachment 452114 View attachment 452117 Caused by java.lang.Error: signal 11...
View ArticleHow to create a List in UIElements?
Is it possible to create a List<T> with UIElements, when the List<T> is in the same class as MyEditor? I want to create/map/bind it in .uxml file, but dont know how (or is it even...
View Article2D Animation v2 - Preview Packages
View attachment 345436 2D Animation v2 is now available for preview! This version includes: A unified Skinning Editor module in the Sprite Editor window, giving you a much tighter sprite rigging...
View Article[RELEASED] Ez Screenshot
[ EDITED V 2.7.9 ] Ez screenshot is the perfect tool to take screenshots of your game to use on the stores, share on social media, stores and much more! More than just take screenshots, Ez Screenshot...
View ArticleHUD Navigation System | Radar - Compass Bar - Indicators - Minimap
HUD Navigation System HUD Navigation System (HNS) is the ultimate collection of the most common navigation concepts from various games. It has been continuously developed, improved and tested since...
View ArticleI met an error report using the TMPro when I build the windows player.
My game is OK in editor mode, but when I build windows player, I met the following error: Code (CSharp): Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 0.219840 ms...
View ArticleCannot build IL2CPP to Android - "il2cpp.exe did not run properly!"
Hello I have been attempting to publish a completed app targetting Android. After successfully implementing AdMob and Unity IAP,. When using the "Mono" backend, Unity successfully builds an APK which...
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