When write Korean language at unity inspector,
So there are many cases of input game's string data to inspector, When I try input korean character, input data become totally different character than I input, looks like crashed. Why this happen and...
View Article[Unity Free] Imitation of displacement effect
I have sereral meshes on my scene and i want to deformate them (like its makes displacement ImageEffects on Unity Pro). Visually it looks like this: ... [Unity Free] Imitation of displacement effect
View ArticleLights in Web Version are blown out.
I just built a demo version of my game for web. When I play it, a lot of the lights are very strong and blown out. PC & Android builds are fine.... Is there any reason why a web build would be...
View ArticleIcetris - free promo codes for retro arcade game
IceTris a fast and addictive retro arcade game. Your goal is to move and switch the containers so the falling tiles end up in matching spaces. Focus, because it won't be easy, fix your eyes and have...
View Articleminecraft like game
I am trying to make something like motherload (similar to minecraft with 3d cubes in 2d world). I am trying to generate cubes in array around 128 * 8192, I tried that with simple 2 for loops like Code...
View ArticleUltimate Inventory System C#
Ultimate Inventory It's Now Available : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19900 Here are all the already implemented features : Inventory supports unlimited number of pick-able items....
View ArticleGetting depth. (sampling first and 2nd object)
Hey guys. I want to do a water like effect where i need to sample XYZ of the top layer (ie water) and the next layer (the sand floor). And then get the distance between the 2 to get a volume "depth"...
View ArticleAndroid Black Screen
I am getting some emails from users that are reporting a completely black screen after a recent update. It seems to be an issue with the last few versions of Unity. Anyone know what this is all about?
View ArticleUCB Android Advanced Settings - Bug "The method name contains invalid...
I'm trying to introduced the name of the method in the "Pre-Export Method Name", and as soon as I type a dot "." it gives me a red warning/error: "The method name contains invalid characters." and thus...
View ArticleFacing the target
Greetings! I have a problem with my traps . While my knifes that have to face towards to my player like with transform.lookat(myvariable); and my knife just stand there and rotate by facing to the...
View ArticleQuixel - Cool, smooth voxel engine I've found (free for commercial use!)
Here's git repo of it: https://github.com/Chippington/Quixel It's MIT licensed, so it's free for commercial use. I'm currently polling author whether he has some demo how it does look like in action....
View Article[iOS, Android & Windows Phone] [FREE] Luna League Soccer
Hi Guys, We used finished and released our latest Unity Game Luna League Soccer. Luna League Soccer is an over-the-top soccer/football game that takes inspiration from old arcade classics. This game...
View ArticleSUIMONO Water System - 2.0 BETA Announcement
After many months of work, I'm happy to finally announce that BETA access Suimono 2.0 is now officially open! The BETA is open to all current customers of Suimono. Those who've purchased off the...
View ArticleZ-order issue with Transparent Vertex Shader
I have a bit of a problem with Z-ordering on my shader here. If i have the shader alone with a blank background i see it clearly, however if something comes behind it, it will be put ontop of the...
View Article[RELEASED] Easy Touch
Hi, EasyTouch 3.1 is available Link to Asset Store Web Player Forum support Allows you to quickly and easily develop actions based on a touchscreen, joystick button. All major gestures are recognized...
View ArticleShould Unity add a My Assets Library feature to the Asset Store
To clarify this would allow users to put assets/prefabs/code they commonly use into a separate asset store folder or library and reuse them privately between projects. Ideally it would also allow...
View ArticleHow short can a paid mobile game be?
Hi everyone, as a new mobile game developer I have been gravitating toward shorter, simpler, replayable games as they not only fit my personal taste but most importantly leave more time for developing...
View Article" Crafty "patching system for Unity projects.
View attachment 75161 Crafty is a two in one program that will help you update all your work made in unity. It will allow you to connect Launcher to your website or server, providing your...
View ArticleLux pre integrated Skin shader for unity 5 beta18
hi there, i have just started to port some lux shaders to unity 5 beta (v17). the first one is the lux pre integrated skin shader – which got a little update and now supports "deep subsurface...
View ArticleHelp with strings
Hello guys I'm running into an issue. I have a string that I want to lose a letter if backspace is pressed. Here is my code. if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Backspace)){ stringToEdit=...
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