Everyplay and GameAds for Windows Phone and Windows Store
As we already know Unity has acquired Applifier in order to integrate Everyplay and GameAds services into Unity. Currently this is iOS and Android only. Wouldn't be great to support Microsoft...
View ArticleWriting cross platform networking library including Windows Universal Apps
I have been able to get my Networking library working for all supported platforms of Unity. This includes the following: TCP (includes client tracking and broadcasting) UDP/R-UDP (unreliable and...
View ArticleVisual Scripting Node Editor ( Unreal Blueprint like )
EDIT--This post is totaly re-written Hey, So, I am working on a new visual scripting NodeCanvas extension for some time now, and would like to share what I've been doing with you all . The initial idea...
View Article[WIP] Indomitable - 2d shooter with rpg elements
Indomitable is a 2d shooter with rpg elements. It was born at Ludum Dare in December 2014 and continues to live. Current features: - handpainted graphics - twin stick shooter gameplay - playable with...
View ArticleUniSave v2.0 - Save System [Editor Extension]
Hi everyone! It's been quite some time since I've posted on the forums. I've been away due to personal issues, but I'm back now and have just released something I've been working on. To those I...
View ArticleCheck Element name from an array.
How can I check the name of an element from a game array? For example I have the gameobject "6" and I want to check with a script atached to gameobject "6" if the name of element 5 from "activator" is...
View ArticleFull Inspector: Inspector and serialization for structs, dicts, generics,...
Free fully featured trial here (v2.3)! 2.4 is out! Includes huge perf improvements, inline object editing, play-mode persistence/back-up, Full Serializer, beautiful animation, and new features like...
View ArticleMain thread bottleneck
I'm doing a 2D tower defense game. I made some simple enemies, a tower, a track,, got some pictures for testing from google and initialized a scene with medium/high action to see how game is performing...
View ArticleCamera shaking/jittering while moving it (No physics/rigidbodies)
Hey so I'm working on a simple phone game but are having some really annoying problems with the camera moving fast between 2 points but I'm only changing the position once in my script. I've uploaded...
View ArticleAnimate a property from its current value to a given value
Hi all, Is it possible to create a Mecanim animation that animates a property from its current value to a given value? Example: I want to create an animation that rotates my camera from its current...
View Article3D Modelling Career (Need Advice and Help)
Hello guys let me introduce myself, i am Karl Robinson and i am currently studying a Bse Honors degree in Games Development, i have chosen my career path and i want to make 3D modelling my career path,...
View ArticleHi! How would one... be able to make and use PRT in Unity?
Hi! Would Pre-computed Radiance Transfer (PRT) be possible in Unity, and if so, where can I find some good resources to get started? I wished to do this since I looked through the DirectX SDK...
View ArticleEasy Weapons - Powerful Weapon System MAJOR UPDATE!
View attachment 116740 Asset Store | Video | Demo | Documentation Easy Weapons is the most powerful weapon system for Unity. Quickly get your weapons shooting without any programming! Now only $35!...
View ArticleRealistic FPS Prefab [RELEASED]
The Realistic FPS Prefab is an easy way to implement the core features of first person games into your Unity3D projects with a few mouse clicks. Set up is quick and just requires dragging and dropping...
View ArticleAnimations from Blender to Unity mecanim and blendTree
Hello guys, well I have been strugling for a while with blend trees and I couldnt find any tutorial or something that explains it. So my problem is: I have a robot that I want to add to my game as an...
View ArticleThe Clown....Special Character release for Halloween.
The Clown..... A Malevolent and eerie creature, man, spirit?? The Clown Quality 3d character, ideally suited for Horror games. 3d character comes complete with a library of single and 2 handed...
View Article[Maya] Getting an FBX with all namespaces stripped out
In Maya, I have one file containing the model's mesh and rig info, and I have several other animation files that use the first file as a reference. In these referencing files, all referenced objects...
View ArticleProject Datcha, Build your MMO with Unity3D
Hi, I'm developing a server API with a demo client. Right now, there is no much details about the project but soon. I will add more much features with your requests before the release (not soon )...
View ArticleTrial by Viking - WIP
Hey guys. This is Trial by Viking. It's a side-scrolling platformer where you are a viking on a mission from Odin. In unfamiliar lands, you will meet friends and foes, solve a few puzzles, and gain...
View ArticleFortune Wheel in C#
Hi there, First of all I am new to unity I just jumped off Game Maker and start learning unity3D and I followed some of tutorial in unity3d.com/learn I find it very different than game maker but I was...
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