Unity Community Art Challenge - December 2014 - The Christmas Ornament
Unity Technologies is happy to announce it's next "Unity Community Forum Challenge"! Everybody is welcome to join in and show other fellow artist what they can do and compete for the First Place! This...
View ArticleHow to make a light only emits speculars ?
Hello ! I'm trying to find a way to make so that my 3d mesh is only lit by specular light, and reflects no diffuse light at all. I have a specular map in the alpha channel of a specular shader, and i...
View ArticleWhile statement not calling when calling a function from another script
I'm having a really weird issue right now. For some reason when I try calling a function from another script it will call the function but won't trigger my while statement. Which if I call the function...
View ArticleRewired - Advanced Input for Unity
I'd like to announce my new input system for Unity, Rewired. If you find it useful, please help me spread the word by Tweeting, sharing with your friends on Facebook, and spreading the word in the...
View ArticleBest/Cheapest Solution for MMO netowroking
Hi All, I am working on a casual style SMO (Small Multiplayer Online) with a small team and am looking into the networking side of things very early on (as I have read is best). Of the options...
View ArticleUMA - Unity Multipurpose Avatar on the Asset Store!
AssetStore link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/13930 List of all UMA Assets Available on AssetStore: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/search/uma Wiki: http://uma.unity3d.com/wiki/...
View ArticleOnMouseOver & OnMouseEnter dont work?
(In C#) im trying to set my game at the moment so when the mouse hovers over a block, it will change the colour, essentially highlighting it No matter what I try, making sure what the mouse hits is a...
View ArticleAsset Store purchases using foreign currency
Hi, I just noticed prices are in US Dollar. So, how would people from other countries make purchases through the Asset Store?
View Article2D Constant Forces
Hi!! I'm on development of a game type Flappy Bird and I need a constant Force to down and to up the character, the problem is the addForce of rigidBody2D increases by mass. How i do for made constant...
View ArticleUnity mmorpg Multiplayer game
Me and my small team are working on an mmorpg game that was originally planned for singleplayer, but now we want to have it multiplayer where 100s of people can be on a single map and such. How do I...
View ArticleUnityEngine.UI missing
Hi all, I am experiencing some issues when trying to compile my scripts into a dll. In previous versions I usually use "using UnityEngine.UI" and "using UnityEngine.EventHandler" but with the last...
View ArticleUI Elements Not Cleared On Scene Load
I've looked everywhere and haven't found much on this topic. I have a completed game that runs perfectly fine on iOS, but on Android there is a big issue. When the game starts up it displays the splash...
View ArticleWhen Moorse Law Ends?!
All my life we have had computers, based on chips that get faster and smaller every year, but there is a physical limit to how small the transistors on the chip can go. We have managed to get down to...
View ArticleFor those in U5 beta: Is PBR *REALLY* that good?
Or is it only slightly better than default U4 shaders?
View Articlethis. or underscore prefix in C#?
I've been programming in C# for 3 years and I've seen it done both ways. Normally I would say it's just a matter of opinion. But MonoBehaviour throws mud in the water by exposing lots of public fields...
View ArticleRAIN Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engine v2.1 More Powerful, Still Free
Hello All! Today we launch the latest version of RAIN, the development tools of the Sentio Platform. This version of RAIN is the most streamlined, optimized, and beautiful version to date. Even if...
View ArticleSteam Holiday Auction
I traded all my cards in for gems, and I only had 465 gems, someone has over 1 million gems. I am try find some really obsecure games and bid like 5 gems on them. http://steamcommunity.com/auction
View ArticleMaking ants crawl up/down hills smoothly
I'm wondering if Unity, physics or mecanim has much to help me with the task of making characters smoothly walk along uneven surfaces. I'd like to use bone based (mecanim) motion for several ants (and...
View ArticleAntialiasing on Render Texture in web player
I am experiencing that Render Textures doesn't work properly in some browsers when antialiasing is used on the Render Texture – both when created from script and when created in editor. Right now, I...
View Article2D Jumping Mechanic
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading first of all. Secondly, this is my first post, and I really look forward to getting involved in this amazing community of independent game developers! Anyway, I'm...
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