concept artist/ Illustration looking for paid work
I am Link Chen . Freelance concept artist . Help lots of kickstarter projects. My portfolio web : Work Email : ... concept artist/...
View ArticleEnemy AI and Health and basic stuff I don't know how to do in C#
Well I would really enjoy someone helping me out with these things, How do I create enemies? How do I get them to hurt me & I can hurt them? I'm really bad at C# and to be honest youtube isn't much...
View ArticleConcept artist/Illustrator looking for paid Job
Hi, I am Link Chen, Concept artist / Illustrator. My work can check here : Work email ... Concept artist/Illustrator looking for paid Job
View ArticleEnabling UI elements = Performance spike?
Hi, I've got a little UI test scene - a little performance test with 64 items in a ScrollRect, each item is an instance of a prefab, containing two UI.Image sprites (one regular, one sliced) and a very...
View ArticleMarking a Grid Member Via Code
Hi there, I am setting up a grid of tiles at run time, 10x10 for example. What I am wondering is, I want to mark some of these tiles and am struggling on how to do so via code. So, for instance, I want...
View Article[RELEASED] Game Camera: AAA camera solution
Hello everyone, I would like to announce a new Unity package Game Camera: AAA camera solution. Game Camera is a AAA camera solution for your game. This package contains 3rd person camera, RPG camera,...
View ArticleSUIMONO Water System - 2.0 BETA Announcement
After many months of work, I'm happy to finally announce that BETA access Suimono 2.0 is now officially open! The BETA is open to all current customers of Suimono. Those who've purchased off the...
View ArticleExploding Voxels
Hello, I am trying to create a function that makes a voxel-based model explode. Say, a monster is killed and now what should happen (in theory): 1. Iterate throught the mesh's triangles/vertices, and...
View ArticleUnity Font is blurred with white
View attachment 121476 Does anyone know how to fix this? It's starting to get annoying.
View ArticleAudio repeating rapidly.
So I've been trying to add a specific audio clip to certain animations using C#. So far no luck. I have one placed in my fixedupdate so it would constantly play and another in my update void so it will...
View ArticleWarning to Windows 8 users.
If you are thinking of using the new GUI (4.6) or replacing your own working GUI with Unity's new system. My advice is: DON'T!​ Reason: There are many many bugs with this on a Windows 8 touch screen...
View ArticleThe profiler has run out of samples for this frame. This frame will be skipped.
Anyone else getting this msg a lot since beta 15? It appears at random times when I'm not profiling. It even appears when I turn off "Record" in the profiler, though I've noticed that "Record" is often...
View ArticleMobile Movie Texture
Full Version Demo Version (Same api. Works on all platforms, Windows/OSX/iOS/Android, but watermarks the decoded video) Play ogg theora encoded videos on a texture in your iPhone/iPad/Android projects....
View ArticleUniSave v2.0 - Save System [Editor Extension]
Hi everyone! It's been quite some time since I've posted on the forums. I've been away due to personal issues, but I'm back now and have just released something I've been working on. To those I...
View ArticleMemory issues
Hi folks As the title says having memory issues is there a script somewhere that can help me find the problem or problems. Not using Pro. Thx
View ArticleThe fall of MMORPGs
So I've been searching around I discovered a number of articles off Google of coarse with a lot of people talking about how MMORPGs are possibly dying. Mostly because no one can really compete with...
View ArticleAlpha image channel not working correctly, transparency inverted
I have tried to make textures with transparency but nothing is working. I've tried making a Alpha layer on the image, but it just gets ignored. I've also tried using all of the types of transparency...
View ArticleQuick Question about using Angry Bots Art Assets
Hi I'm making a TBS toolkit and I'm planning on selling it around 20-50 dollars(US) on the asset store. I'm at the point where I need art just to show how things work because grey boxing is not the...
View ArticleTrial by Viking - WIP
Hey guys. This is Trial by Viking. It's a side-scrolling platformer where you are a viking on a mission from Odin. In unfamiliar lands, you will meet friends and foes, solve a few puzzles, and gain...
View ArticleNeed to call 'Fix Mask' method on ModelImporter Inspector
Is it possible? I changed every animation's MaskType from 'Copy From Other Mask' to 'Create From This Model' by script. And I got the button 'Fix Mask' on the inspector. Because I have a lot of...
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