WIP Small Works Art Thread
Post any Unity related small art work in this thread for feedback.
View ArticleGrouped Bones not animating?
Ok so in an older version of unity like 4.2 my character worked fine with the generic rig set up. Now in version 4.5 it does not. It took me a while to figure out what was going on and i found out the...
View ArticleThe fall of MMORPGs
So I've been searching around I discovered a number of articles off Google of coarse with a lot of people talking about how MMORPGs are possibly dying. Mostly because no one can really compete with...
View Article4x4 Russian SUVs Off-Road[Android Free Game]
Hi, guys! Welcome to the world of off-road SUVs and Russian!Here is one of the most realistic simulator ride on the road to Android. Realistic physical behavior of an SUV while driving on a different...
View ArticleError building WP8.1 plugin: namespace does not exist in the current context
Hi, I'm trying to make a plugin for WP 8.1 (also for W8.1 in the near future) but I''m having a lot of problems doing it. I followed the step by step official guide to create plugins in WP8:...
View ArticleCubiquity - A fast and powerful voxel plugin for Unity3D
About Cubiquity Cubiquity is a flexible and powerful voxel engine for both the free and pro versions of Unity. It can be used to create terrains with caves and overhangs that can be edited in real...
View Article[Released] 2D Platform Controller
2D Platform Controller View attachment 61003 The 2D Platform Controller is a character controller for 2D and 2.5D platform games. It is an alternative to physics based or character controller based...
View ArticleHARDKOUR [Android][IOS][WP8][Free]
So, I've finally finished something... this is my flappy bird inspired game. While it's nothing like flappy bird, the inspiration came in the form of simple controls and restart on gameover... however,...
View ArticleHow to have your iOS app reviewed by Apple with Unity Ads inside ?
Hello, I have the following problem with Unity ads and I don't see how I can solve it: I would like to publish a free version of my IOS app ("My App") as a new app ("My App Free"). This iOS application...
View ArticleCurved World - Screen Space Curvature Shader
Curved World - Screen Space Curvature Shader https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/26165 Web demo available Curved World bends mesh in screen space - not world space. It is per mesh effect -...
View Articlesprite moves jerky no matter on frame rate
I saw many posts on that problem but nobody has a real solution (even Unity representatives keep silence). I created typical 'hello world' scene that contains only one game object with sprite and Move...
View ArticleUnity Answers - no access?
Forgive me my ignorance but, I have been a member of the Unity sites for a year or more, but only started really using Unity Answers and/or these forums recently as I started coding with Unity...
View ArticleMissingMethodException: Method not found:...
Starting a new thread as the other one about this issues has a inappropriate title. I'm getting the following error whenever I Extend the Unity GUI system. It was working fine that all of a sudden it...
View ArticleClone object and move forward.
Hey, I want to put an object in another object (physically, in editor) clone it and then move it forwards. Now, I know I can make it move forwards with something like: Code (CSharp): transform.position...
View ArticleGTA V type map
Its possible to make a map as big as GTA V's for mobile,I've made it.Its not exactly the same its half in size.I'm getting about 26-31 fps.Its about 9k poly on screen with a car is 5k poly with...
View ArticleGraphing functions (Node editor for maths)
Imagine you are designing some UI for your game, and you have a lives counter, with a particle system for effect. You want the number of remaining lives to dictate the particles emission rate, so you...
View ArticleImporting Lightmaps
Hello, We are working as a team here, and from time to time we have to merge the projects. I've been doing the lightmaps on my computer, and now I imported my coworker project as a whole, made a Unity...
View ArticleWhat Makes Component Unabled to be Disabled?
I have a script attached to my player that controls movement. I've been struggling to disable it via script. I tried to disable it during runtime by unchecking the box in the inspector...however, it...
View ArticlePolyWorld for Unity
PolyWorld: Woodland Toolkit for Unity https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/18572 Inspired by the art style of Timothy Reynolds (http://www.turnislefthome.com/), Polyworld is a faceted...
View ArticleTurnBased-Toolkit (TBTK)
From the developer of TowerDefenseToolkit, TurnBased-ToolKit (TBTK) is a an easy to use and flexible Unity game engine coding framework designed for construction of turn-based tactic game. The aim of...
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