Forgive me my ignorance but, I have been a member of the Unity sites for a year or more, but only started really using Unity Answers and/or these forums recently as I started coding with Unity recently.
I often end up at Unity Answers when I google some Unity related topics.
I even tried asking some things on Unity Answers but the thing is as I have only "3" points reputation, it seems that whatever I ask has to be reviewed by a moderator first.
In the end I don't think I ever had (or very...
Unity Answers - no access?
I often end up at Unity Answers when I google some Unity related topics.
I even tried asking some things on Unity Answers but the thing is as I have only "3" points reputation, it seems that whatever I ask has to be reviewed by a moderator first.
In the end I don't think I ever had (or very...
Unity Answers - no access?