[Official] 5.0 - Feedback request for PhysX
Hello Beta Testers! We would like to hear your thoughts on our new Physics system for 5.0. Please take a moment to answer the following questions to help us make Physics the best it can be. Please try...
View ArticleUnity 5's Doll demo, updated!
Hi everybody! We are very happy to release an updated version of the Doll demo. There have been a number of changes and we are supporting quite a few more platforms than in the previous pass. Note: It...
View Article[RELEASED] Dialogue System for Unity - easy conversations, quests, and more!
View attachment 96727 The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera...
View ArticleLayout element max size
Hey everybody, I've done quite a lot of stuff with uGUI and now I found a limitation, I can't really solve with the GUI elements, but which is pretty basic and should work out of the box. I would like...
View ArticleNo more Scoreloop
I just received an email saying that Scoreloop services will be terminated on Dec. 1, 2014. Now what will we use?
View Article[4.6 UI] What method do I need to call from the gameObject to modify a Text UI?
I've declared this at the top of the script publicGameObject scoreText; In the editor i've dragged the Text UI element into this gameobject slot i created (im sorry i am fairly new and don't know what...
View ArticleCreating overlapping meshes with a single transparency.
I have a single mesh composed of two or more overlapping planes. When I add transparency to the mesh the overlapping area are added together (image on the left) which is what I'm trying to avoid. The...
View ArticleCant' download Unity3D 4.6 for OS X (Mac)
Hi All! I'm trying to download Unity3D 4.6 from the download Site: http://unity3d.com/unity/download It starts to download but after a few seconds the transfer/download velocity reachs to zero and...
View ArticleNormalized Depth
Hey everyone, I am wondering if it's possible to retrieve the normalized scene depth or the normalized object depth without using the classic _CameraDepthTexture and link it to the far and near...
View ArticlePerformance of new UI
Hi, we are having significant performance drop while using the new UI and we are wondering if that's how it should perform or is it something that we are doing wrong. We are developing 3d racing game....
View ArticleReplacement Shaders and Tags
Hey everyone, I have some difficulties about understanding how the SubShader Tags system works with Replacement Shaders. How can I limit the application of my Replacement Shaders to some objects with...
View ArticleParticle Playground
Particle Playground is a toolset which enables you to be creative in new ways of altering and rendering particles. What it does Particle Playground 2 is a framework which extends the capabilities of...
View Article[Released] Hippo Circus (Web, Mobile)
Hi there! I made a new game recently. It's called Hippo Circus and it's a puzzle game with circular mechanics. You control this group of dancing hippo ladies, and your goal is to direct them towards...
View ArticleCompute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes
So i've been getting this error now. And I searched around in the forums and everyone says thats because an issue between planes and mesh colliders, the thing is that even tho i have planes, I don't...
View ArticleMaya Animation Problem
So just recently something odd happened with maya while i was loading some objects. Last week i was loading objects perfectly fine with their meshes + animations + textures. Yesterday when i tried to...
View ArticleUnity 4.6 GUI text problems.
Hello, I'm trying to add a lives system/game-over system to my 3D platformer. The programming works and everything is functioning smoothly besides that the GUI for showing how many lives you have left...
View ArticleSpace Graphics Toolkit [RELEASED]
Try It Here! >> WebPlayer Demos << Get It Here! >> Asset Store << Space Graphics Toolkit... Space Graphics Toolkit [RELEASED]
View ArticleIs Unity using the asset store the wrong way?
[Warning it's a IMHO piece] This is probably closing the barn door after the horse has bolted, but here goes. UT great work but... I have a nagging suspicion that in the drive to be on every platform...
View ArticleDOTween (HOTween v2), a Unity tween engine: alpha now open
Hello, after working a lot on it, I just released the alpha version of DOTween, which is the sequel to my previous tween engine, HOTween - here's HOTween's Asset Store link in case you prefer it)....
View ArticleUnity for beginners without coding - help me with it :) (details inside)
Hello, forum! Here's the deal: I was asked to teach a bunch of students basics of Unity. The company that hired me set quite a limited amount of learning hours, so I won't be teaching my students any...
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