[Released] Smart Water 3D
Now in the Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/publisher/8761 Welcome to Smart Water 3D. If you are serious about using quality water from Mobile to PRO with a range of shaders that...
View ArticleGUI/HUD Idea feedback?
Okay so, is this a totally stupid idea? I am making a vehicular game (a PC game not an "app" ) played fully from inside a cockpit. I'm feeling just doing the HUD of the thing as neon 3D wire-frame...
View Articleportal activates fall damage
if anyone can help me with the most effiecent way to make it so my portal doesnt activate fall damage (i was thinking adding a "no-fall damage" tag to it) it would be appreciated as i haven't a clue on...
View ArticleArchitectural visualisation with Unity?
I know a few people have attempted this - is Unity a good platform for this kind of thing?
View ArticleHow Can I return the rotation value I entered into the inspector?
So I had made a cube and rotated it's z to 40. But when I typed this: void OnGUI() { GUI.Label(new Rect(10,0,150,150), (Mathf.Rad2Deg*transform.rotation.z).ToString()); } Then the number on the screen...
View Article[LOOKING FOR] A development team for project.
Hello guys, I'm Shaun! I'm currently looking for some people to help me carry out my idea for a video game. This would be online Multi-Player and some what similar to rust but but in an apocalyptic...
View ArticleDetonator Explosion System
Back in 2009 I wrote the Detonator Explosion System and it's been used in a lot of Unity projects. In fact if you look at the URL it was apparently the very first asset that Unity submitted to the...
View Article[WIP] Eastshade: A game about exploration
Hey everyone, I've been hanging around these forums for a while and I'm glad to finally have something to show. I'm about six months in a I just launched my site and blog: http://www.eastshade.com/ I...
View ArticleUnity 3d 4.6 Resolution Settings for the new UI.
Ok Is there a way to get a JavaScript,tomake a in game resolution drop down window to populate Pc monitor's current resolution in a list to pick from, Like what NGUI was doing????
View ArticleConverting All of Angry Bots Scripts to C#
I'm trying to convert all the scripts from Angry Bots into C#. I was able convert all the Explosion Scripts into C# but with General Scripts I've got 122 errors and I'm not sure what's causing them. I...
View ArticleAlloy Physical Shader Framework by RUST LTD.
UPDATE 1: Added link to OSX Standalone for Demo Scene ALLOY PHYSICAL SHADER FRAMEWORK View attachment 75410 [Asset Store Link] | [Documentation] | [Walk-through Video]... Alloy Physical Shader...
View ArticleIndieEffects: Bringing (almost) AAA quality Post-Process FX to Unity Indie
For those looking for any type of image effect (especially motion blur) for unity free, I present my Indie Effects Package! This uses Texture2D.ReadPixels to capture the screen and put it in a texture...
View ArticleCross-fade on Skybox to another C#
How can I cross-fade one Skybox to another? If possible, I'd prefer not to have to modify any shaders.
View ArticleThe coming crash of indie games
I thought it was an interesting article from a veteran successful solo dev The guys selling shovels got rich… The simple problem is a lot of indies are running at a huge loss and they don’t even...
View ArticleIs continuing using Unity3D worth it?
I have seen many questions on similar topics, but I really have to ask this myself. I have been developing games since 2012 with unity3D, but about a week ago I bumped into a question asking for the...
View ArticleProblem when animating canvas controls
Anyone know what could stop (other than a bug) canvas controls such as buttons or images not working with animations. I was testing copies of old projects and added animator with animation to a panel...
View Article[RELEASED] GUI Generator - Create your own custom GUI Skins
View attachment 107581 GUI Generator is a tool for quickly creating good looking UI elements, or skins, for use with any GUI engine. View in the Asset Store Website Questions & Support Does not...
View ArticleUse a variable from another class
Hi there. I have a shooting class that uses a Raycast. I have a damage variable set up there so when it hit my enemy it subtract health from him. The trouble is I don't know how to access the damage...
View ArticleObjReader - load .obj files at runtime
This has been around a while, but I didn't have a separate topic for it. Version 2.0 is out now! ObjReader loads arbitrary .obj files at runtime...great for modding and other user-created content. It...
View ArticleSystem.Data does not exist?
1. I want to use 'dataset' which is at System.Data namespace. But unity does not have it? (newest 4.5.3) 2. If using dataset, is this also work at iOS? Thx.
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