Muscle building 678678
that's not where you're going it's not be the promise what we're doing wife was obviously to Mike you the best the new look now side of the body fat put someone muscle mass on obviously make you look...
View ArticleText Mesh Pro - The Ultimate Text Solution for Unity - Powerful & Flexible -...
Hello Everyone! After months of development, I am pleased to announce that TextMesh Pro! is now available in the Asset Store. Developing TextMesh Pro has been a rewarding and challenging experience...
View ArticleTouch and hold a button on new UI
I tried Click Event, and all the Events from Event Trigger Component, i can`t figure out how to make my 2D character walk when i hold the button, it just walk for a click, i`m using Rigidbody.AddForce,...
View ArticleRPG/FPS Project 2014
Project 2014 Code name: Blue About [HR][/HR] This project is a new project in development by the group Great Arc Studios. Great Arc Studios is a new group (about one year old) who have created various...
View ArticleHelp with setting up Everyplay
Ok. So Everyplay looks and sounds awesome. I want it! Letting players record gameplay videos and share them is a great feature. But how the hell do you set it up? I created an account, downloaded the...
View ArticleMusic asset creators (songwriters) - new market for you
Hi songwriters, Our best-selling flagship product, Master Audio (on the Asset Store here:, will in a...
View Article[Questions/Thoughts] Unity 4.6, the new UI system
NOTE: If this is available to read about somewhere and I missed it, please post links! To keep it simple, I'll refer to the new system as uGUI2. After watching the overview of the new UI system I (like...
View ArticleLux-an-open-source-physically-based-shading-framework
Hi there, welcome to Lux – an open source physically based shader framework. Why physically based Shading? First of all physically based shading will give you much more convincing results than...
View ArticleC# Problem - 2D Game, Need to Trigger Animation and Projectile Fire
Hello everyone. I'm not new to programming in C#/C++, but I'm a blasted noob at Unity3D (sorry. lol). In any case... Here is my problem. I am making a 2D game that is an infinite runner. The infinite...
View ArticleUnity needs HTML / CSS / JS user interface
After taking a look at the preview of unity GUI... looks great, but from a web developer perspective all these game development UI frameworks are extremely primitive. Someone needs to jump on a HTML /...
View ArticlePossible Object Pooling Problem?
Hopefully this is the right section for this. Apologies if not. I was following the live training video from a while ago the was focused on Object Pooling. Managed to get everything working that was in...
View ArticleWill the next Unity release fix the 2D issues?
*** BE SURE TO READ MY UPDATE BELOW ON HOW I FINALLY SOLVED THESE ISSUES *** Hoping to hear from a Unity3D rep on the 2D issues. Is anyone currently working to resolve the issues with 2D? The issues...
View ArticleKickstarter for affordable high precision Motion Capture system NEURON...
It got my attention today while doing some search about affordable motion capture systems. Introducing PERCEPTION NEURON an inertial camera/markless real-time motion capture system for high precision...
View ArticleSlider access Unity 3d 4.6 slider value.
I'm trying to access Unity 3d 4.6 slider value with a JavaScript for a Volume slider control, I'm not finding any examples anywhere to access the value on the slider, Could some one give me a examples...
View ArticleZombie Night Terror
Official website | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube Check our First Trailer... Zombie Night Terror
View ArticleTidy Tile Mapper: Paint tile-maps from the Editor [Released]
Hello Everybody, After much joy and hardship - Tidy Tile Mapper is now available on the Asset Store! Tidy Tile Mapper is an editor extension that allows you to create and manage tilesets (blocksets)...
View ArticleUnity Remote 4 not available on iTunes App Store
When I click the link provided in the manual to download Unity Remote 4 on iOS, it pops open iTunes which says "The item you've requested is not currently available in the U.S. store." Also, searching...
View ArticleProblem with decal:blend and HDR camera
I'm having a strange issue setting up blend-strip objects in my game. For some reason, everything looks fine through a non-HDR view (either in the scene view, or turning off HDR on the camera), but in...
View ArticleUncle Noruz, Snowman Dream for PC & Mac
Please watch the first official trailer for Uncle Nousruz : the Snowmans Dream , a new game that will be available in autumn 2014 for PC and Mac. I hope you'll like it. Criticism and comments is...
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