ScrollRect : how to dynamically increase the content size ?
Hi, I'm was wondering how to update the content size of a ScrollRect component ? Let's say I have a Panel which is assigned as the RectTransform Content of a ScrollRect component - by default the...
View Articlecollision and rigidbody
i guys i have a bullet with a collider and a rigidbody that when collide with a enemy it deal dmg and it must continue his path , but when collide with the body with the collider and the rigidbody of...
View ArticleUnite 2014 videos available?
Hi, Sorry if this is not the correct place for this question but is there any possibility to have a look at the unite 2014 videos any time soon? Are they going to be released? Thanks in advance.
View ArticleLooking for a programmer [PAID]
Hey fellas I am looking for a programmer to implement a game ready the assest store would be simple implementations like facebook integration and buttons considering that the rest is ready my email is...
View ArticleSetting camera script target to a photon network game object
I'm trying to get my camera smooth follow to follow on a gameobject thats created for that player when he connects. In my NetworkManager I have: Code (CSharp): Â gameObject.Find("Main...
View ArticleApp often breaks down when FindObjectOfType is called
So I'm making a basic FPS game on Windows Phone and once in a while my app breaks down and this line gets highlighted. Visual Studio gives me no info about it so I have no idea what is wrong. The only...
View ArticleUnity images problem
Sorry I am new to the unity and i got a question to you guys my plan is to finish a 2D game in a weak (finished all drawing and music) but I got a problem when I start to use unity , when I put my...
View ArticleC# Programmer for hire (iOS, PC, Oculus Rift)
Video Portfolio: I am looking for work/jobs (big or small) I can do remotely, rate negotiable and dependent on the type of work needed. Experienced in PC and iOS development, and with the Oculus Rift...
View Article[Plugin] AudioClip Explorer (edit multiple clips simultaneously)
AudioClip Explorer empowers you to edit multiple AudioClip settings simultaneously. It’s one very useful feature that is currently missing in Unity. It provides an excellent overview of AudioClip’s...
View ArticleSafe Coroutine
Safe Coroutine overcomes several limitations of Unity's coroutines and provides you with flexible controls. Main Features - Stopping of any safe coroutine - Pausing and resuming - Nesting - Exception...
View ArticleAny thoughts on the recent Phil Fish Zoe Quinn debacle?
TBH at this point i don't really care what happened or is gonna happen. This whole situation is clear indicator that industy is becoming toxicly mainstream, Phil and Zoe are basically Paris...
View ArticleInventory with physics - some questions
After buying minecraft and playing that for a straight month I'm finally edging closer and closer back to work. So I started thinking about how inventory would be done. In many games with inventories...
View ArticleSimple splash into water
I am looking for a very simple example or tutorial on how to create a simple splash into water as something falls into it. I have used he sample water asset in Unity as my starting point. I know I can...
View ArticleGlobal Illumination Proxy-Fast GI for every platform, optimized for Mobile,...
Hi everyone, I have been working on this new lightining propagation system for my non DX11 RPG, since i could not find anything that was fast enough for my game that is already at the edge of 30fps....
View ArticleStress testing the Beta UI - Text
OK I'm testing the performance of the new beta UI and I have managed to crash it with 170 dynamic text labels with shadows (see code below). Code (CSharp): public class TextTest : MonoBehaviour {...
View ArticleUnity 4.5-4.6 Mecanim changes. Child animator affects parent.
Hi everyone! I've started the same thread at unityanswers but nobody seems to be interested there, so i\ve decided to ask here. So...i'm developing an iOS game and i had to make an embed animator, i...
View ArticleModern City Environment [Asset]
getting close to finishing a new building pack. these buildings are low-poly closed hull, so they should work with destruction plugins. View attachment 108211 View attachment 108212 View attachment...
View ArticleMegaShapes advanced Lofter and spline based mesh builder. [RELEASED]
View attachment 35585 We have all seen game with beautiful rolling backgrounds, now you can have them too! Making a racing game? Then no problem with Mega-Shapes. Draw a path for the road, draw a cross...
View ArticleNetwork functions not working
Functions like OnPlayerConnected wont work. I get no error, it just doesn't fire. Any explanation to why that is?
View ArticleDevelopment in 4.6 beta waiting for 4.6f release
I'm at a crossroads in keep on working with NGUI or switching towards uGUI now, reengineering the work done until now and developing the missing UI with uGUI. Provided that I won't go in production...
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