importing with append or link in blender2.71, 2 characters
Hi, everyone, I would like you help me, I have 2 separate characters with shapes keys for facial expression and the body mesh, so I want import these 2 characters in a new scene for animation, when I...
View Article[WIP] SplashDash: a sci-fi (not yet... :D) arcade racer for android.
Hi guys. This game is SplashDash, a futuristic arcade racer for android! in this game, you will be flying over ramps, flinging missiles at your opponents, juggling boosters, and tearing around at a...
View ArticleMy fear of Game Dev
Hello Everyone, maybe you can enlighten me on this topic of not so great stuff. I create this game right, lets say it's oh so popular, in theory that's a great thing, however, you get into the dark...
View ArticleHelp with my current block system.
So, currently i have a fps shooter that has block placement. a block is placed at the crossair when the user pushes c, or x. c makes a cement block. x makes a hesco. thank u nobiax. this is all fine...
View ArticlePhoton Network - update Character changes over network
I am having trouble getting my head around a networking issue. I am using Photon Network and using various tutorials etc I have my game so the characters animations etc are updated over the network...
View ArticleOpportunity For Reliable Unity Programmer
My name's Ethan. I created this game: Divergence is intended to be the spiritual successor of Pre-CU Star-Wars Galaxies, but within the Divergence I.P. In-fact, the vast majority of our playerbase and...
View ArticleFriggin Internet - All of our worst nightmare
The picture is all I need to say! IT'S SO UNJUST! FIGHT FOR INTERNET FREEEEEEDOOOOOM! LOL. I'm supposed to have a 50 meg connection and look at my stats! Could you live with stats like that! View...
View ArticleThe Hero's Journey - A Sidescrolling Swordfighter!
The Asvarduil Project proudly presents... View attachment 49402 (Strict Time Limit: 31 January 2014!) This thread and the dev webplayer are updated weekly! GitHub Project Site Help support this game by...
View ArticleRefresh issue: NGUI UI disappears until minimize/maximize. In executable only
Back with another strange issue. This only happens when running my game from the built EXE client. Built with Unity free and NGUI at latest version 3.7.4 Tested both 32 and 64 bit builds on two...
View Article[RELEASED] Dialogue System for Unity - easy conversations, quests, and more!
View attachment 96727 ​ The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera...
View ArticleUsing Render Textures on a uGUI Image, Panel or Button?
Hello! I'm trying to put my minimap into the uGUI system. Is it possible to get a Render Texture working with these? I've got my render texture attached to a material, and can put the material onto a...
View ArticleCustom buttons and GUISprite
I am extending the button class to add some extra features ie lockable Is there a way in code to access the default GUISprite from Resources/unity_builtin_extra so that i can create the custom button...
View ArticleX^3 Beta! [Free] [2D Click N Play Block Game]
Hey Everyone! I have been playing around with unity for around longer than a year now and one day I sat down and finally wanted to do something serious.... Without further ado I would like to Present...
View ArticleC# PC Game to IOS Port Question
Hello guys. Nice to meet you, I'm relatively new to Unity 3D, just got the Pro Version and been rapidly tinkering at it for a few days now. I really like it and I'm using it for an internship project....
View ArticlePortal-like Rotating
Hello, I've recently started a gravity switching puzzle game. One of my ideas was to allow the player to switch their gravity then walk on different walls. I have been struggling with getting the...
View ArticleBlackscreen on startup displaying strange window
Hi, I'm pretty new to Unity and currently on Pro license, Unity 4.5.3f3. After I build my project and run it, everything is working fine except there is some strange window showing up on startup as...
View ArticleRotate the camera around the object.
Hello. I want to rotate the camera around the object, but this is something that never I have been given well. I'm using "Mathf.LerpAngle", but I think that I don't know use this, any help or...
View ArticleScript Inspector 3
Hey Unity Folks, I'm pretty sure you are all familiar with Script Inspector 2, and many of you are already using it for viewing and editing your scripts, shaders, and text files right inside Unity...
View ArticleMouse Movement does not work in "play" mode
Hello, I am trying to move my player around, I followed step by step instructions on the learning games. Keyboard keys work in "play" mode, but mouse movement does not. Please advice on how to fix...
View ArticleWorld Space axis to Local Space
Hi, so I'm trying to make a RPG launcher to shoot the projectile. I've attached a Rigidbody to projectile. The projectile is a child of the Main RPG prefab. I need it to move forward on its local axis...
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