Hi there, welcome to Lux – an open source physically based shader framework. Why physically based Shading? First of all physically based shading will give you much more convincing results than...
View ArticleDouble Exposure effect in Unity
I made a video + a little modified script that'll help people achieve that double exposure effect I've seen used a lot recently in commercials and stuff (Like in that new U2/Apple ad.) Hope someone...
View ArticleGame Development vs Application Development
I'm a newbie when it comes to programming, not that skilled but I'm learning. I'm mainly learning Visual Basic (I know) and it's mainly app development. Is there any material that's very indepth when...
View ArticlePanel with Horizontal Layout Group under ScrollRect
I think this is a bug but I wanted to confirm first. I have a scrollrect which its content is a Panel with a horizontal layout group component. And when I build my game, after it compiles successfully...
View ArticleAI script
Hi there i.m trying to change this script so that it looks for the player and head in its generle direction but using the built in navigaition of unity 3d pro so im wondering is anyone can help here is...
View ArticleGame Development Techniques For A Beginner
Hi everyone, some friends and I are looking to get into some beginner game development with Unity. I've done some on my own with an artist with my role was programmer. Everything went fairly well since...
View ArticleHow to make a animated small street view/scene?
Hi, I am totally new to animation and gaming world. I have to make a small city suburban(Australia/Melbourne )view of people walking in a street, cars going(option to accelerate/stop/move car, driver...
View ArticleCustomizing a custom inspector!
Hi, I've asked this question in Answers site but nobody could help. I'm giving the forum a try. Is there a proper way of...
View ArticleRigidbody2D bug?
[I use Unity 4.5.2f1] 0. Add two GOs to the new scene. 1. Add to both GOs RigidBody2D component and set Mass = 2, GravityScale = 0. 2. Add script to the first GO: Code (CSharp): void FixedUpdate()...
View Article[Navigation Script] FREE AdHoc Pathfinder (AHP) for vast, infinite, and...
Greetings all, The game I am currently developing was in need of a pathfinding script which had a small memory footprint and could work on vast (10,000^2 unit) terrains. This made baking a mesh...
View ArticleH.A.C.K. - A hacking simulation game where information is power
Hi everyone! I recently started development on H.A.C.K. and I want to share my progress with you, so I'll be posting small updates as features get implemented and bigger updates at least every weekend....
View ArticleJove 2.0: DX11 Rendering System (Alpha Release)
View attachment 109789 Asset store link For the past 8 months I've been working on support for deferred rendering in Jove. Early on in the process I came to the conclusion that simply extending Jove...
View ArticleAdvise me a free Video Maker
Can you give me a free video maker advise? I use windows, so it should be compatible. I use windows video maker but it doesn't have many options. If you give link to tutorials, it could be welcome too.
View ArticleStrange pop-up everytime I start unity? Everytime I startup my game, I get this popup/error? Anyone else seeing this? I tried emailing support about this but didn't go anywhere. This is for Unity3D pro, running...
View Article2D optimization help, im going crazy...
I made a thread on Unity Answers but am not getting any help so i figures it's worth a try here too Does anyone have...
View ArticleRedface-FxPack[RELEASED]
I want to publish FxPack. Asset Store Link :!/content/22297 Web Demo Link : Web Demo How to Play...
View ArticlePutting Jpeg images onto objects produces a solid color.
Whenever I drag and drop a jpeg image for a texture on to an object it creates a solid color with no details. I've messed around with the tiling to see if I can fix this. Yet for some reason I still...
View ArticledeVoid Studios : Value Controller now on the Asset Store
Guys and Gals, Our first Unity3d asset has just went live on the Unity Asset Store. In the next few days we will put up a few more tutorials and code snippets on our blog to help you get started ASAP....
View ArticleIndiecent Exposure: Talking Steam discoverability with a panel of interesting...
A pretty good video panel if you want to get some insight about "discoverability".
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