PrimitivesPro [RELEASED]
Hello everybody, Let me introduce you Unity package PrimitivesPro 2.0. View attachment 113265 ​ View attachment 113264 ​ PrimitivesPro is an ultimate package for procedural modeling. It contains 20...
View ArticleGrid Framework [scripting and editor plugins]
Hello everybody, I'm announcing the first release of the Grid Framework for Unity3D, your simple solution for grid-based actions. ​ So, what does it do? You just drag the new grid component on an...
View ArticleCharacter has a sudden drop when walking off a ledge
The game is a platformer. I have an "anchorForce" that keeps the player glued to the ground that is only applied when the the character controller's "isGrounded" is true. The problem is, that for a...
View Article'Library' and 'Debug' Folder names are reserved?
I was running into all kinds of errors about missing Class Files, mostly from the package InControl.*, which is a GamePad plugin we use in our game:...
View Article[Released] Bolt, The new generation of networking solution for unity!
​ Bolt is a new generation of networking middleware for the Unity3D game engine. It revolutionizes development of multiplayer games in Unity by exposing several complex features behind a simple to use...
View ArticleUsing Blend Shapes in 4.3
I was very excited to see that blend shapes are now supported in 4.3, however, I can't seem to get it to work. I created a simple cube with two blend shape deformers on it in Maya and imported it as a...
View ArticleCan't add component because it doesn't exist???
This is the second time this has occurred; after the first time i re-installed unity and re-crated the scripts through copy and pasting so everything was back to normal, not to bothered though since i...
View Articlefloat2 and the second parameter ...
So I was trying out the Toon Ramp listed here: and the Team Fortress 2 Shader listed here:...
View Article2D ball rendering with artifacts
Hello Unity Community, I have a 2D ball that I'm moving on the screen. The 2D ball renders just fine without artifacts (ATI graphics). I transfer the files to another computer using a Nvidia graphics...
View ArticleUp 'n Above - Please join the game creation from the begining
Hi! Working on a new game. We will update our progress as often as a playable demo is possible. Here is the first. In this release we would like you to focus on the camera distance. What is fun what is...
View ArticleAsset Store: how to publish asset that has additional files for newer Unity...
Hello, I would like to place my new tween engine, DOTween (HOTween V2), on the Asset Store (here's the current forum thread and the official website). Problem is, while it's compatible with Unity 3.5,...
Hi there! Here it comes!! HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK Volume 2 is now available as a special offer both on Unity Asset Store and Protofactor Store. DIRECT LINK TO ASSET STORE This pack currently...
View ArticleRight age to start game development?
Hi guys , I am 15 years old and I'm so passionate about game development .. Getting a job in CAPCOM is my dream Last year I developed a game in 3D Rad , it was simple , no coding stuff , this year , I...
View Article[HELP]Best way to implement combat in a 2D Hack N' Slash game
Hi , I'm on my way to implement a 2d hack n slash game with tight but heavy combat (like Dark Souls or the original castlevanias) but I have problems deciding what is the best way to implement this...
View ArticleText Mesh Pro - The Ultimate Text Solution for Unity - Powerful & Flexible -...
Hello Everyone! After months of development, I am pleased to announce that TextMesh Pro! is now available in the Asset Store. Developing TextMesh Pro has been a rewarding and challenging experience...
View ArticleMultiTags Released!
Multi Tags is a reimplimentation of the Unity tag system to allow for multiple tags on the same game object. Current Price: $15 Asset Store Link FEATURES Multiple Tags on Gamebjects Case insensitive...
View ArticleMoving Plane in First Person "Rubber Duck Debug"
Hello all, I have come to the forums yet again to ask advice. I'm doing a somewhat complex project, at least for my skillset level and need some advice on how to go about doing the rest of what I plan...
View Article3d Endless Runner World Generation
Hello, I'm trying to create an Endless Runner game with the Player moving while the Prefab Road is still and continues to generate, making it endless. Can anyone help me with this? Any links, tips and...
View ArticleHow to Load 3D models without using Prefabs and Instantiate?
Hi everyone, Is there any possible to load 3D models without using Prefabs and Instantiate? Thanks in advance...
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