Epic Dragons - Sept 2014 update
LATEST UPDATE: Our new gameplay trailer we have our beta of the level editor live! Go and test it out here: http://www.thinkhugegames.com/epicdragons.html ----------------------------------------- Hey...
View ArticleMultiple Armature animations importing in just fine, but not working in Mechanim
Hi, so I've created some animations in blender and imported them into Unity. It is 3 objects in total, the main body and 2 fists. The fists have their own bone (in blender, its a separate armature) and...
View ArticleSpout [Syphon on Windows] Unity Plugin
Hi, i'm glad to announce the upcoming release of the Spout Unity Plugin. Spout is the successor of Wyphon, and is a plugin that let users share textures across softwares. More info about spout here :...
View ArticleMost efficient way to update an integer being used by a switch (inexperienced...
Hello! This is my first time posting, as up until this point I have been able to figure things out based on previous threads, unity answers, and google. Please forgive my lack of experience,...
View ArticleMarmoset Skyshop - Image-Based Lighting Tools [RELEASED]
I'd like to introduce our latest, greatest project just released by Marmoset Co: Marmoset Skyshop Image-Based Lighting Tools Shaders BUY NOW! | Interactive Demo | Website |... Marmoset Skyshop -...
View ArticleUNITY, you are losing so many new devs to UE4 due to Oculus support
We need a ton of people to respond here and hopefully get Unity to change this paid feature to a free / cheap one. I am sure this is brought up all the time, but in order to develop for the Oculus...
View ArticleNew/Old Inventory System
Update: Here's the first video preview of the plugin in action. It's not an amazing video, I know, but it shows off what the program does, and is capable of. I'm building an inventory system right now...
View ArticleRandom Dungeon Generator for Unity
Daedalus 1.0.0 View attachment 94423 View attachment 94424 View attachment 94425 View attachment 94426 Unity and Unity Pro compatible Now with FULL 3D generation! Create mazes, dungeons, towers and...
View ArticleMac OSX bundle bug?
Currently Unity doesn't seem to import updated bundles correctly. Try this. 1. make an empty bundle and throw it into Unity plugins folder 2. make a function that links to the bundle. (this function is...
View ArticleHandheld.PlayFullScreenMovie crash
I used Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie to play mp4 video file on ios, it works on ios7 device, but crash on ios5 device? my unity version is 4.5.4, it's bug? any idea? thanks!
View ArticleData Marshalling const char* return type
I'm making a mac OSX plugin for a large C library that has many const char* 's as return types. I'm testing with two simple functions but they both cause unity to hang and then crash when I call them....
View ArticleGlow Effect (Mobile Friendly)
We're currently working on a mobile game which requires objects to glow. We searched through the asset store and noticed that there aren't any mobile friendly glow assets, so we decided to create one....
View ArticleLocalizations default language only-
We are about to release our new app, Hanna & Henri - The Robot and I just uploaded and prepared everything on Google Play. We have Swedish and English language within the app and I have added those...
View ArticlePhoton Unity Networking
Photon Unity Networking Get it. No server setup needed - runs in the Photon Cloud. No obligation due to free plan. Download from the Asset Store: http://u3d.as/2ey Overview This package implements...
View ArticleWhat do you use to make the GUI of your game?
I see several games made in Unity fantastic GUI systems with fluid animations and excellent responsiveness,very similar to games developed in flash and clearly this must be some kind of package/asset...
View ArticleHQ Bloom and Lens Dirt, Physically Based Shading and Light Attenuation WIP
Hey, guys. I just wanted to share some screenshots of things I have been working on regarding graphics in Unity. I'm not satisfied with the way Unity calculates most of its lighting by default, but...
View ArticleSpace Flight Tutorial
Working a new tutorial series, right now it's a couple of hours worth, but more videos are coming in the series! If you ever wanted to set up a space flight game, with intelligent AI, damage and health...
View ArticleUnity making GLES 3.0 calls on GLES 2.0 context
I have a simple test app that runs on Android with an ES 2.0 context. I successfully get the 2.0 context: Code (csharp): D/libEGL ( 5339): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so I/ ( 5339):...
View Article(Minecraft Block) How to check if an Object has support
On my video I have blocks here and they connect just fine but I was wondering how I would handle blocks having a support system that goes to the ground. I've tried making the blocks have rigid bodies...
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