VertExmotion [Released]
VertExmotion is a shader based softbody system coupled with a procedural animation system. You can easily animate parts of your mesh like hair, cloths... within Unity editor! No need to add bones for...
View ArticleConvert String to Int in C#
Hi, I am new to Unity. I am working in Android program. I need to convert String to Int. Is there any way to convert String to Int. Eg: String tempString = "4"; This tempString i need to convert to...
View Articleexchange the player?
I hope this is the right forum. I have downloaded a game framework which contains a Player (third Person object) which walks around the game world when the user uses the cursor keys. Now I would like...
View ArticleHow to connect Listitems to a bool
Hello Community i´m looking for a way to create a List/Array of a class connected to a bool variable to keep track if it´s used or not. I´m working with the NGUI-Plugin, but i guess my question is a...
View ArticleUniStorm v1.8 - Dynamic Day & Night Weather System [RELEASED]
What is UniStorm? UniStorm 1.8.1 is released, look below for all features and updates. UniStorm is an incredibly powerful dynamic day and night weather system that creates realistic storms and weather...
View Article4.6 iOS 64-bit beta
Update January 23rd: We have just released Unity 4.6.1p5 which contains il2cpp for iOS and iOS 64-bit support. Original Post:...
View ArticleSomeone please make this game!
I have an idea and I know I won't be any good at making the game. There have been a few first person shooter/ real time strategy hybrids made but I would really like to see a game made that had a...
View Articleil2cpp and jsonFX problem!
Hi All! How I understand all that works on mono, should work on il2cpp (I mean beck end mono and il2cpp)! But now I have a problems with JSOn deserialization, I use JsonFx, and all work fine if I set...
View ArticleScript Inspector 3
Hey Unity Folks, I'm pretty sure you are all familiar with Script Inspector 2, and many of you are already using it for viewing and editing your scripts, shaders, and text files right inside Unity...
View ArticleStranded Deep
​Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most...
View Article[RELEASED] TPSA - Third Person Shooter System (template)
This is a Unity FREE and Unity Pro solution for third person shooter games.The aiming is done by IK controllers and you can customize it the way you want. The customization also can be done by Weapon....
View ArticleQuestion regaurding lightmap atlas
I have a question. Does the lightmapping know to put objects that utilize the same reflection probe and same material into the same lightmap for draw call minimizing?
View ArticleJoining after players spawned?
Ive got my self a little confused, I have been working on multiplayer for a while now using just unitys networking and so far its gone good, I have all the smoothing done and RPC calls. But for now ive...
View ArticleRemote Control/Multiple Screens for a Unity3D application
Currently I have a need to write Unity3D applications. But with one twist. I need to have two screens. One a touch device like a tablet etc., and one monitor on the wall. Interact on the touch enabled...
View ArticleInternet Reachability Verifier
Internet Reachability Verifier for Unity. LINK TO ASSET STORE:!/content/19009 Also check out the Internet Reachability Verifier website. So what does it do?...
View ArticleCrossy Road Made 1 Million With Unity Ads But Where Are They?
I was intrigued when I saw that they made 1 million with unity ads so I decided to download crossy road to check out the hype. I was thinking of implementing it in my game, so I wanted to see how they...
View ArticleSorting a List for android device
Hi Everyone!!! I have a question that i cannot answer to me rigth now cause i dont have an android device to check it... i'm doing a list sorting using linq, (i believe its .net 3.0??) My code is the...
View ArticleIBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler script attached to Sprite...
Hello, I could you some guidance with implementing drag handlers in a script and attaching the script to a 2D sprite object. Let me explain my scenario.. I created an empty object, added a Sprite...
View ArticleText Mesh Pro - The Ultimate Text Solution for Unity - Powerful & Flexible -...
Hello Everyone! After months of development, I am pleased to announce that TextMesh Pro! is now available in the Asset Store. Developing TextMesh Pro has been a rewarding and challenging experience...
View ArticleTightening up turning radius with AddRelativeForce
Hi, how is everyone? I have been working on this game project for a school studio project (and possibly it might end up being more if I could get this one thing working correctly). The idea is to be a...
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