Balancing a MOBA or RPG Game?
OK, so I have a question for all of you who have some real experience with developing a MOBA or RPG Game... when you are trying to balance character classes with their many attributes from magic, basic...
View ArticleSun Shafts, Reflections etc. in Unity FREE!
THIS PROJECT IS CANCELLED! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS ONE! Today, I finally begun on my new project "The Lens". More information will be coming about it around next week, but right now what I want to...
View Article4.6.1p2 - .BaseStream iOS Crash
Hi, I have created a Save/Load function for a game using 7Zip SDK. The code is working fine on Android and MacOSX editor, no errors present. I then try the same code on iOS iPad build, when I click on...
View ArticleRetrieving the amount of scaling from the Canvas Scaler
Dear Unity users, I am currently working on a healthbar which slowly drains the less health you have. I followed this tutorial to get the healthbars I wanted: In short, it uses a mask layer and a...
View ArticleC Sharp, UnityJava Programmer
Hello My name is Lawson, im a unity developer. I have a bit knowledge over C#, UnityJava and about 3ys of experience with Unity engine. Here you can see my last projects where I was working Spoiler:...
View ArticleWHOOSH sound when passing nearby objects
Hey all. How can I play a whooshing sound when passing nearby objects ? I'm not good with coding at all, so the only way I can think of is making a huge sphere on the player that will act as a hitbox...
View ArticleLightmapping is much slower and looks worse.
Like others, I've been experiencing some problems with the new Enlighten lightmapping system so I decided to do a like-for-like comparison with Beast. The results show that (in my test scene at least)...
View ArticleHave A Class Find Itself In A List
I'm trying to have an object (of type Car) find the preceding car in a list. All of the Cars in the scene are added to the list so it will be in the list. I've tried using the FindIndex method, passing...
View ArticleUse dynamic mesh to climb the wall ?
Hi, everyone. I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry for reading my poor English first. I have a question which I have not clue how to do it. I'm trying to create a dynamic mesh that can climb the...
View ArticleInstant crash when build for iOS on Windows
Just putting this out here in case anyone else has similar issues that they've traced? I've been working on a backup of my project in Unity 5 beta for a while now and it's going pretty smoothly aside...
View ArticleNoesisGUI : XAML-based User Interface [RELEASED]
Now ON SALE! 50% OFF until 1.2 is released! Discover the most powerful User Interface solution based on XAML >> Buy from Asset Store >> Download the Trial ... NoesisGUI : XAML-based User...
View ArticleAndroid pro license mixing ?
Hey everyone, We have two unity pro licenses at work that me and my colleague use, I was wondering if mixing licenses is allowed with Android pro ? (Since we already are using unity pro), meaning just...
View ArticleWhat is the concept of server and client behind Clash of Clan
Hi, anyone who is looking this post, I need some advice from you. I know there are some similar post, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. I am currently doing some research on my project. My...
View ArticleUpgraded Unity from 4.2.2 to 4.6.1 - APK now 8MB larger
Hey, We recently updated our Unity from 4.2.2 to 4.6.1 and our APK was at about 49MB, now it is at 57MB (without any changes made to the project). I was wondering what is the reason for this - and is...
View Article" Crafty "patching system for Unity projects.
View attachment 75161 Crafty is a two in one program that will help you update all your work made in unity. It will allow you to connect Launcher to your website or server, providing your...
View Articlewhy has unity remote buggered up on me?
hello all, this is not a universal problem for everyone, i think. but my unity remote has completely buggered up for some strange reason. yesterday is was fine, no problems. but today. when i play my...
View Article[RELEASED] Dialogue System for Unity - easy conversations, quests, and more!
View attachment 96727 The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera...
View Article[Asset] Orbital Reentry Pod [WIP]
Hey everybody, Just wanted to start a little WIP on here to gauge interest and maybe get some feedback for an asset that I have been working on. Final asset will feature - - maps for classic Unity...
View ArticleAssign value to Input field
Hi all, I am working with latest version of unity and have problems with assigning value to an Input filed from script. I made a custom inspector window. There I have one textbox. A made UI Input field...
View Article[C#] Working with AddListener
I have been searching for the answer but not been able to find it so i ask here. Could someone please explain to me why this works: Code (CSharp): // ADD LISTENER SO IT REACT TO CLICKS...
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