Are Unity 2D games actually 3D games?
Hi guys, I am completely new to Unity, yet I want to develop a 2D mobile game. After watching a few videos I am a bit confused. It looks like you create a regular 3D game and just set the camera to...
View ArticleC# properties not getting serialized properly?
Hello everyone, I just started to get into interfaces and inheritance. I have a Interface called IItem with a property which looks like this: Code (CSharp): string name {get; set;} and a class called...
View ArticleColoring polygons using GL.QUADS
Hi, I'm trying to color loops (polygons drawn with GL.QUADS) and it's only working when the loop has 4 points. Here's a screenshot : View attachment 111704 When there are 4 points, the loops is fully...
View ArticleTerraVol: volumetric/voxel terrain system. Dig holes caves in your terrains!
View attachment 75446 Hi everyone, TerraVol is a voxel terrain engine which will certainly raise your interest if you are looking for realistic terrains with powerful features like creating holes (in...
View ArticleInstruction keeps looping for each entity in List, only want it done once
When I click a button (Line 11-14) in the GUI (Inventory Window) it is supposed to go to the 'Use()' Function (Line 15-18) in the 'Item' script held by the List Inventory which just debugs the...
View ArticleGetting a Rect Transform width to expand with Parent
I'm trying to get the width of a Rect Transform to expand with the parent. For example, when dragging the width's right border of a child to the widths right border of the parent(Orange Line confirms...
View ArticleAdmob Unity Package that work with Unity 3.2 above
This thread is the brother thread of my previous Admob thread. A NEW INDEPENDENT PLUGIN WITH NEW FEATURES.. Hi Guys, After putting a lots of effort in rewriting code for Admob integration with... Admob...
View ArticleWORLD ARMY: AAA quality FPS/TPS soldiers. [M4A1 Rifle and Pistol]
WORLD ARMY. World Army is a high-quality content for Unity3d of developers who wants to create magnificent FPS/TPS game, but doesn't possess the necessary skills in creation game art. We create the...
View ArticleGood ol' Sockets (.NET sockets for mobile without Unity Pro) [Released]
View attachment 86599 v1.3.0 Asset Store Link Attention for Pro users: this plugin is useless for you, as built-in sockets are allowed on Unity Pro. Good ol' Sockets is a drop-in substitute for...
View ArticleJove 2.0: DX11 Rendering System (Alpha Release)
View attachment 109789 Asset store link For the past 8 months I've been working on support for deferred rendering in Jove. Early on in the process I came to the conclusion that simply extending Jove...
View ArticleLooking for a UK east. Unity 3D programmer
Artist based in Norwich. UK, seeks the support of an experienced Unity 3D user, to create a simple realtime game engine for VJ set. You will need to be experienced in all the basics plus interested in...
View ArticleChanging UI Panel size
Hello, i want to make a simple HP bars with uGUI. I'm using 2 panels for hp bar: 1 indicates the whole bar (black one) and other one indicates remaining hp (red one). I'm making something like PVP...
View ArticleBillboard help really needed
Hello there, I have a problem - I have a scene with a "canvas" object, on which I draw vertices and lines using GL commands. Now, the canvas is rotated by user input (arrow keys), and the modelview...
View ArticleCucumber Apocalypse
Hello, I have been working on a game for some time called Cucumber Apocalypse. The game is mostly focused on gameplay (with a cartoon style) and fun rather than graphics and realism. Before I go on,...
View Articlemdsn GetFiles function doesnt want to compile.
this works: Code (csharp): var path1 = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "c*"); And this doesnt compile, no function match: Code (csharp): var path1 =...
View ArticleHow to change hierarchy order in layout groups through code
I need to be able to change the order of objects in layout groups dynamically. I can change the hierarchy order in the editor while the game runs and the group updates them fine, but I can't figure out...
View ArticleCompletely New Game Idea (GRAVITY KILLER)
Hi there, We came up with a new idea in the form of mobile game 'Gravity Killer", its time to break all the gravity rules. YOUR FEEDBACKS ARE REALLY IMPORTANT FOR US
View Articleunity forum seems to be broken a lot????
seem to be seeing this page an awful lot -any ideas?
View ArticleSwipe in all directions Touch and Mouse
Hi Everyone! I had trouble finding good information how to get out swipes in different directions, so I fixed one to share to the community! Feel free to tweak the "0.5f" number to get the right feel...
View Article[RELEASED] Universal Fighting Engine
Universal Fighting Engine Universal Fighting Engine (or U.F.E.) is a tool designed to help indie developers and small companies to make their own 2.5D fighting game using a full open source framework...
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