iTS - Intelligent Traffic System [WIP]
Hi Guys! We are currently working on a new Traffic system, we are calling it iTS - Intelligent Traffic System. Here is a web demo: Web Demo! Super simple physics web demo (This demo does not use any...
View ArticleText to Speech [Dll] for Win32
Hi, Unity (Indie and Pro) can speak now. Sorry, only for Windows standalone Need a Voice Recognition solution? Try this The "VoiceSpeaker.CS" file Code (csharp): // Voice Speaker (c) ZJP // //...
View ArticleNoesisGUI : XAML-based User Interface [RELEASED]
Discover the most powerful User Interface solution based on XAML >> Buy from Asset Store >> Download the Trial NoesisGUI is our user interface framework built on hardware accelerated vector...
View ArticleRaycast only shooting on certain layers?
I'm making a Portal clone, and I have a code that is supposed to shoot only onto objects with certain layers. I start by defining the variable: Code (CSharp): public LayerMask canShootAt; Later in the...
View Article[WIP] Tower of Life, the - Retro RPG
Hello! I decided to spend my time on post-apocalyptic, fantasy, retro RPG inspired by Fallout (gameplay) and Secrets of Mana and other old school JRPGs (graphics) for desktops and smart phones. Here is...
View ArticleHORIZON[ON] - Make your horizons look real
View attachment 108229 Webplayer demo HERE! Features: make your worlds appear huge smooth horizon blending instead of a harsh line works for terrains of any size highly adjustable 1 draw call mobile...
View ArticleMaya help -- Transparent textured planes
So I've been modeling and texturing in Maya for a few weeks now for a Unity project and every once in a while when I start to deal with planes they end up transparent. Meaning you can see through the...
Hi there! Here it comes!! HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK Volume 2 is now available as a special offer both on Unity Asset Store and Protofactor Store. DIRECT LINK TO ASSET STORE This pack currently...
View ArticleRunning Audio in Background
Hey folks, I'm developing an app, and one of its features is the ability to play music. I would like my app to continue to play music when, for instance, the user goes to a lock screen. Is there any...
View ArticleParticle Playground
Particle Playground is a toolset which enables you to be creative in new ways of altering and rendering particles. What it does Particle Playground 2 is a framework which extends the capabilities of...
View ArticleProcedural quest generation
In the other thread, a judgment system gives characters: An importance value for each Motivation (Security, Pleasure) Affinity values (like/dislike) toward other characters. Characters also have other...
View ArticleRealistic effects pack [Asset Store]
Hello all. I decided to make a new effects pack, that uses the particle system and uv-animation. Realistic effects pack v1 View attachment 93921 This package includes 34 main effects + 26 effects of a...
View ArticleModular 3D Mesh to 2D Sprite
Hello! I am working on a Unity 2D project. I am designing my graphical assets in 3ds Max and then rendering them out to be placed into a spritesheet. The issue I'm having, is that I'm attempting to...
View ArticleuMech - Total Mecha Kit
uMech - Total Mecha Kit Avandgarde Mecha/Robot Physics & Models What is uMech? uMech is a total package for developing realistic mecha in your game with Unity 3D. That includes inner skeleton...
View ArticleDark Unity3D Site Skins
Reduce the amount of light shining into your eyes when reading the Forums, Documentation, Release Notes, or other supported Unity3D sites. I originally made multiple skins for various different Unity...
View ArticleUnity 4.6 Bitmap font?
Hi, Is it possible to use Bitmap font with the new UGUI system? I am used to NGUI and the artists I work with are always using bitmap fonts for our games, but I can't find a way to use a bitmap fonts...
View ArticlePortal Physics
I'm making sort of a portal clone. When the player hits one of the portals I have a script that makes the player's transform.position equal to the other portal's transform.position. The problem is that...
View ArticleAwarding experience in a ORPG
Here's something I don't see discussed very often, most people typically just think there's only one ways of gaining experience. When you complete a task. However there's some questions I have to you...
View ArticleEditorGUILayout: Controlling SetActive on SerializedObjects from Inspector
Hi On my game control script, I have a group of game objects in the scene that I'd like to be able to switch on and off via my inspector script using EditorGUILayout. I have used...
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