Hey guys,
I am currently trying to create a centralised Input Manager. It will handle inputs and send messages to the Camera Controller or other scripts.
MouseButton(0) makes my camera pan
MouseButtonDown() places an object on the screen
1. When I want to pan I need to touch and hold so Unity invokes the Object placement method first before I start panning. So MouseButton(0) basically does two things. I want to avoid it? Similar to Townscaper, you can orbit, but you do not place...
Camera Controller, Input Manager, Touch
I am currently trying to create a centralised Input Manager. It will handle inputs and send messages to the Camera Controller or other scripts.
MouseButton(0) makes my camera pan
MouseButtonDown() places an object on the screen
1. When I want to pan I need to touch and hold so Unity invokes the Object placement method first before I start panning. So MouseButton(0) basically does two things. I want to avoid it? Similar to Townscaper, you can orbit, but you do not place...
Camera Controller, Input Manager, Touch