Using Visual Studio Express with Unity instead of Mono Develop
Hello, I recently downloaded the latest Unity for evaluation purposes and it seems great. Although Mono Develop seems pretty good, there are enough quirks when using it that I opted to try Visual...
View Article[RELEASED] Unity Cutscene Creator - uSequencer
View attachment 97739 Purchase the full version of uSequencer! Try out the fully featured trial! Visit the official uSequencer Manual and Documentation page. Visit the... [RELEASED] Unity Cutscene...
View ArticleTexturePacker to Sprite
Texture Packer Importer If you watch the video, you see, that if you are clicking on an atlas you have two options: * Process to Mesh * Process to Prefab For the new introduced texture type "Sprite"...
View ArticleA Unique Starflight-y Game
[Under Construction] See below (third post) for original OP and more (old) information on the core design. Current Work in Progress: First Playable (Prototype Stage - To Alpha) View attachment 105449...
View ArticleRise of Valhalla, a Viking Invasion RTS-MOBA Hybrid
Hello All, Today is our first dev log for Rise of Valhalla. Any and all feedback is welcome! RoV is an attack/defense, multiplayer-only RTS-MOBA hybrid being developed for PC. Players will choose...
View ArticleUnity crashes when I disable a gameobject with inputfield con 4.6 b20
When I create a inputfield and I disable the GameObject that contains it and saving the scene this is no longer possible to open it because unity editor crashes..... with the b17 everything worked...
View ArticleMale base 1 and Fem base 1 RPG starter series plus other
Hi everyone. I've added a series of models recently to my page:!/publisher/5619 For the next while I will constantly be adding updates for them with new...
View ArticleHydra Particles - A new open source particle sytem for Unity3D
What started as an attempt to work around the limitations of Shuriken and Legacy particles has turned into a completely new particle system. Hydra Particles is an open source particle system for Unity...
View ArticleSubstance Painter out of Beta! Version 1.0 Released
Hello, We have released Substance Painter version 1.0. The new generation of texture painting is here! Lots of great new features for the 1.0 official release. • 4K Support - Painting and Exporting •...
View ArticleL-Systems for Unity (free script included)
I created startup point for L-Systems implementation for Unity. Here are first results, as well as free script, which allows to create these plants. I also made possibility to create small forests of...
View ArticleAnimation effects all instances - help!
Hy guys! I have a door which has some animations (open, close) and i made the door as a prefab. A script will trigger the animation, if a character is pressing 'E' close to it. It works fine, but if i...
View ArticleEvent system for Mecanim
Hi everyone, Here's an event system developed for Mecanim - the newly animation system introduced by Unity4。 This system can trigger events as the legacy animation system does....
View ArticleConcepts of implementing "hearing" and "smelling" of opponent for AI
I am thinking of implementing some "cool" features for my AI characters and would like some experienced input about best way to implement these. Here are my thoughts and would like to know are these...
View ArticleGame Data Editor, save your game data within Unity and read it in realtime...
Game Data management made easy! The Game Data Editor allows you to define & create data sets for your game within Unity. It makes managing game data easier, especially for non programmers or anyone...
View ArticleVideo Game Critic Cancels Speech after Threats of Massacre Violence
Angry violent male gamers continue to threaten video game critic with massacre, cancels speech at US university. LINK Come on you American game developers, this needs to stop.
View Article3d Unity Developer needed
Hello. I am in need of a 3D Unity developer with knowledge of the full software development lifecycle. SQL and .NET plus a degree in computer science, software engineering or related field. Contract or...
View ArticleIs a computer game anything other than a very large program?
Edit: The reason I made this topic was the start a discussion about the often understated, nitty gritty details of how games are made. As I said, I feel that I've wasted years that should have been...
View ArticlePivot Point move
Hey guys! I did use the search function and I am really sorry, if I just blind or something. I want to change the pivot point of a gameobject in the editor, the center point is perfect but the pivot is...
View ArticleMach-O linker error ... can't wrap my head around ..
Hi, Since Xcode 4.5.1, and since I installed iOS 6 on my 4S, I get that strange error right after compilation in Xcode : Code (csharp): "ld : unable to insert branch island. No insertion point...
View ArticleCapture screenshots which include the UI?
Hey guys, how would one go about capturing a screenshot of the game with the new GUI rig? in the Webplayer. Previously, I would Code (csharp): Texture2D screenShot = new Texture2D(1920, 1080,...
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