[RELEASED] MassiveNet Beta: Networking Framework Focused on Multi-Server...
I'm excited to announce that MassiveNet Beta has just launched on the Unity Asset Store! Description from the Asset Store: MassiveNet is a networking library built around the concepts of massively...
View ArticleXcode 6 Linker error Google Analytics Services
hi all, I've got a problem at the build process in xcode 6. I'm getting this linker error and i don't know what to do. ld: warning: directory not found for option...
View ArticleLight.intensity
Simple question, but the documentation only tackles sliding between intensity, and couldn't find anything here or in google. Before lightChange(), light intensity is at 8. I want to change it to 4...
View Article[RELEASED] MediaKit
Hello, This is official MediaKit support forum, MediaKit is pure C# OGV decodec which could run on any platforms because it has no native libraries, It's play video right now, and sound in nearest...
View ArticleFull Inspector: Inspector and serialization for structs, dicts, generics,...
Free fully featured trial here (v2.3)! 2.4 is out! Includes huge perf improvements, inline object editing, play-mode persistence/back-up, Full Serializer, beautiful animation, and new features like...
View ArticleGeneric Modular Modern Construction Kit
Version 1.25 with wall sockets for USA and UE A new Construction Kit for modern environments. With this package you can build offices, labs, schools, hospitals, appartments, and it is compatible with...
View ArticleGameObject.GetComponent in a foreach(){}
I want to iterate trough an array of GameObjects and acces their variables. I tried this code, but it won't work. How should I change my code to work? Code (CSharp): public GameObject []...
View ArticleStringBuilder problem
Hello, well i want to display some Raycast Values with SpriteText. Now the normal way is: Code (csharp): RaycastHit hit; Â Â if (Physics.Raycast (SpaceShip.transform.position, -Vector3.up,out hit)) {...
View Article[ExecuteInEditMode] for the new 4.6 UI/uGui components
Is it possible for the new UI/uGui components to run in editor mode, like a script in [ExecuteInEditMode]? I am thinking of using them to create an editor tool which ideally would work in edit mode....
View ArticleHow about a "Game Design" forum?
I'd love to have a place to post questions and thoughts about game design. This could be anything from general "how do you come up with such great ideas" questions, to subtle "how can I make the...
View Articlecinema animation to unity
Hi all, I've got this very simple animation of a bird flapping it's wings, made in cinema 4d and imported in unity.. When I hit the play-button in the animations tab of the inspector, the bird moves as...
View Articlego fine
Florida State vs Syracuse Live StreamOklahoma vs Texas Live StreamGeorgia vs Missouri Live StreamGeorgia Tech vs Duke Live Stream
View Articleunity-Google cloud platform example?
hi. So I am making game with unity, and annoying about game server problem. Some googling reached google cloud platform, so is it useful? Any integration between it and unity example exist? Any...
View ArticleAuto Resize "Text" Rect
Hi, I am creating a scrollable text area which will be used for chatting. So far it works fine as long as I give a long height for the text box. However since this is used for chatting a fixed height...
View ArticleGoogle Play Game Service: Requiring Achievements?
Hello, I have implemented Google Play Game Service to my game, which is essentially ready to be launched, but I noticed that "at least 5 achievements are required." Now, this may be something I will...
View ArticleAn open source framework for unity3d
This is the code structure of an MVP. like mvc Dedicated to you. github:https://github.com/alexandersb/UMvp
View ArticleMy first game im trying to launch. A Puzzle Platformer - Ninja Ball Dash
Hi guys, I would like to have some feedback on a game im working on. I've been busy with this on and off for the last 9 months. Game Scope : The game is a work in progress 2D Puzzle Platformer for...
View ArticleiOS Advertising Identifier rejection FAQ
Recently we received several reports that Apple started rejecting apps that use iOS Advertising Identifier, but do not show advertisements. If you was affected by this issue there are instructions how...
View Article[RELEASED] Mirror Effect (works both for non-pro and pro users)
It now available in the asset store here: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21780 We do not use render to texture or blits so effect is fast and smooth both for non-pro and pro users....
View ArticleHow do I make a working camera for a 2d game?
I bought a 2d package and would like to learn programming. The first thing I need to do is a working camera. How do I do it? I'm a complete noob. ;(
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