[Released] Atavism MMO Creator
Atavism Beta version has been submitted to Unity Asset store, awaiting for approval. If you need additional information you can find it on our Atavism website www.atavismonline.com Atavism opens up the...
View ArticleList of Tutorials and Resources
This is work in progress. There are lots of resources out there, but sometimes they are hard to find. I'll be updating this list as and when I get the chance. Any suggestions should be left as replies...
View ArticleSprite Factory - Sprite Animation System
Hi everyone! I want to announce the release of the Sprite Factory sprite animation system for Unity 3.5 and 4+. Sprite Factory is a powerful 2D sprite animation system that makes it easy and fun to...
View Article[RELEASED] MultiOnline : multiplayer online kit - V3 now available
MultiOnline : multiplayer online kit - Version 3 is now available Add easily an online multiplayer mode to your games. Main features : - Works with a simple web hosting - Lobby with the list of the...
View ArticleBest Unity Procedural Generation Tutorials?
Unity is amazing, but it still does not have the build random world button that I keep asking for!? So if there is not already a list of great procedural generation tutorials I would like to put...
View ArticleI'm getting an error and I don't understand why. please read code?
this is what it says, Assets/scripts/HatController.cs(29,34): error CS1729: The type `UnityEngine.Vector2' does not contain a constructor that takes `1' arguments and this is my code. I don't...
View ArticleLooking for Answers? Use the Google Custom Search Engine!
This is listed in my signature, but I'll paste it here: http://tinyurl.com/Unity3dSearchEngine This covers the Unity Forum, Answers, Wiki, and other important sites.
View ArticleAny Space Shooter Android Tutorials
I've been following a tutorial that unity made and now I want to make a android version of it so can some one show me a tutorial showing how to turn it into a android game (also unity has a live stream...
View Article[Released] Android Native Plugin
Plugin provides the easy and flexible functionality of Android native functions which are not available from Unity, including in-app purchases, play service native alerts. Package architecture is...
View ArticleHooking Up To A Slider
I'm trying to make slider "Throttle" set a value. There is no gameObject value, rather I'm trying to change a value in a script. I've attached my ThrottleControl script to the "On Value Changed"...
View ArticleS-Inventory: Dynamic inventory system!
​Introduction: This is an inventory system that anyone can setup in few minutes. This system is easy to edit from the inspector without having to modify scripts. It’s suitable for RPG games. This...
View ArticleSo simple but yet does nothing
I don't know why for the life of me I can't seem to make a simple button work for Onclick. I'm doing it exactly how the tutorials shows. Latest version of Unity 4.6.1f1 I create a gameobject called...
View ArticleHow to depth test in one pass, then modify vertices in second pass?
I'm trying to render billboards at each vertex on a mesh, where if the center point of the billboard is occluded then the entire billboard is also hidden, and vice-versa (if the center point is...
View ArticleAsset Store features wishlist
Dear Unity team, please have a look of the following suggestions for the Asset Store: 1. Have multiple wish lists (like Amazon) 2. Sort options (by cost, release date, category) 3. Add a checkbox to...
View ArticleFree Live Online Training from Unity Technologies
Unity Technologies presents free live online training. There are some great advantages of this new set up: No preregistration is required. Simply turn up and participate. No class size limits. We can...
View ArticleFloat has 'too much' precision
Hi I am running lots of equations in a fixed update, by lots I mean its about 100 at the moment and I estimate will be closer to 500 when I am done... And although currently I am experiencing no...
View ArticleNeed Sample Assets for creating one on one Fighting Game
Hey guyz, I need sample materials/assets like, characters, environment and all things for creating a fighting game. Can anyone please provide me a link for such assets? Forgive me if this is a naive...
View Articlehow to say that in c# ?
i want to make object to go in y position but it is give me error Code (CSharp): Taba2_Tayyer.gameObject.transform.position.y ++ ; i tried to do that Code (CSharp): x=...
View Article_ field names, CamelCase Properties???
So following what is shown in the actual MSDN docs I've been doing this: public string[] TagArray { get { returntagArray; } set { tagArray = value; } } private string[] tagArray; As of late I notice...
View Article"What Happened?" and various Ramblings.
Click this --> http://www.iesherpa.com/?p=330 There are a lot of people making games. I would guesstimate that with the there are probably 180,000-250,000 game developers in North America, Canada...
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