Sky MASTER- One draw call Volumetric Clouds, Day&Weather cycle, Sun Rays,...
Intro This is Sky MASTER, the new asset for Sky control and artistic design. The tool was inspired by the need to have fully controllable spectacular skies and dynamic clouds in Unity Free, with...
View Article[Pre-Sale] Sonic Unity Framework : Advanced Platforming for Unity
Hello! Morphexe here, and I want to present you my latest asset : Sonic Unity Framework! What is the asset all about? Easy, its a advanced 3D, or 2.5D platforming framework, that you can use to create...
View ArticleIntroducing PlayFab, a complete backend-as-service for Unity
Hello everyone, We're excited to officially introduce PlayFab to this forum for the first time. Our goal is to provide a complete one-stop-shop backend for games, including both the services you need...
View ArticleHARDKOUR [Android][IOS][WP8][Free]
So, I've finally finished something... this is my flappy bird inspired game. While it's nothing like flappy bird, the inspiration came in the form of simple controls and restart on gameover... however,...
View ArticleBest Networking Solution for RTS: Bolt, SmartFox, or Photon?
I'd like to hear other' opinions and suggestions on networking solutions for a multiplayer lockstep real time strategy game (MLRTS). In an MLRTS, there only needs to be 1 Network View and that Network...
View ArticleMake human
I im little new to this, so i just want to know If you can use Makehuman for free in your game without any copyright Thanks alot for answer
View ArticleUnable to locate 'image mask' component
Hi - I'm using unity pro 4.6. I'm following this tutorial (masking an image for GUI) 15m30s the tutor uses an 'image mask'...
View Article[RELEASED] Dialogue System for Unity - easy conversations, quests, and more!
View attachment 96727 ​ The Dialogue System is a proven, complete solution for interactive conversations, designed from the ground up with a polished user interface system, cutscene sequences (camera...
View ArticleFull screen stretching
this is not specifically a unity 5 problem, but as this is what I am using I thought it best post here. Ok. Here is my problem. I have a game that scales to any resolution. Running it on any device and...
View ArticleIs there a way to have multiple view farplanes
Like I have mountains that I want my player to always be able to see so i set my farplane to 5000 but I also want the player to only see 1000 farplane for standard objects etc in the scene is there a...
View ArticleReal Time Shadow Unity Free (Android)
Hi ! I found this webpage with full of things and all of them works on mobile like a charm . But i have problem with one of them nominally : "Shadows on Planes" , and i tried out "Soft Shadows of...
View ArticleNoesisGUI : XAML-based User Interface [RELEASED]
Now ON SALE! 50% OFF until 1.2 is released! Discover the most powerful User Interface solution based on XAML >> Buy from Asset Store >> Download the Trial ... NoesisGUI : XAML-based User...
View ArticleDraw 3D Object over the UI
Maybe it is simple but I cannot seem to figure out how to draw a 3D object over the GUI using Unity's built-in system in 4.6, whether the Render Mode is set as "Screen Space - Overlay" or "Screen Space...
View ArticleRewired - Advanced Input for Unity
I'd like to announce my new input system for Unity, Rewired. If you find it useful, please help me spread the word by Tweeting, sharing with your friends on Facebook, and spreading the word in the...
View ArticleUnity 5.0 beta 11 available
Hey everyone! Unity 5.0 beta 11 is now available for download: Don't forget to report bugs
View ArticleDOTween (HOTween v2), a Unity tween engine
Hello, after working a lot on it, I just released the alpha version of DOTween, which is the sequel to my previous tween engine, HOTween - here's HOTween's Asset Store link in case you prefer it)....
View ArticleOptimizing Unity Physics - Article
I edited a post of mine and posted it to my web site that I think many around here might find useful. It concerns optimizing stuff for Unity. I got physics computational code to run about 1000% faster...
View ArticleFor an extra $200.00 is it worth getting the i7 over the i5 for game...
I'm thinking of buying a new iMac (non-retina). For an extra $200.00 is it worth getting the i7 over the i5 for game development with Unity? 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz...
View ArticleCurved World - Screen Space Curvature Shader
Curved World - Screen Space Curvature Shader (1.11)!/content/26165 Web demo available Curved World bends mesh in screen space - not world space. It is per mesh...
View ArticleAnimation to the beat / restarting an animation
Suppose I have a dancer who can do a bunch of dancing animations and I want to switch between them but ensure it doesn't get out of sync with the music. I have some animation loops, that all sync...
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