C# GUI.DrawTexture in a specific color?
Is it possible to draw a texture on the screen but in a different color? Specifically, in smash bros the Damage Ratio changes from white to red the higher the number is. I was wondering how I could...
View ArticleStill no plans for Linux editor support?
Just wondering if there are still no plans to bring the editor to linux, because I really want it.
View ArticleSE Natural Bloom Dirty Lens
Sonic Ether's Natural Bloom Dirty Lens Click on the screenshot above to go to the asset store and check it out there! Check out the live demo here Sonic Ether's Natural Bloom Dirty Lens is an... SE...
View Article[WIP] Alamo Luna (Space Shooter)
Hey guys. I am making a top-down shooter game for Android to be available for free on Google Play store. I've been at it for 2 weeks, and would like to share some progress. I specialize on programming,...
View ArticleRealistic FPS Prefab [RELEASED]
The Realistic FPS Prefab is an easy way to implement the core features of first person games into your Unity3D projects with a few mouse clicks. Set up is quick and just requires dragging and dropping...
View ArticleGyroDroid 2.0 - Access each and every sensor on Android devices [RELASED]
​ Hi all, Unity has built-in support for only some of the sensors on mobile devices. This package provides access to every single sensor of your Android device. It can and has been used for augmented...
View Article[Released] IOS Native Unity3D Plugin
I would like to present IOS Native Unity Plugin. With this plugin you can easily access Game-Center, In-App Purchases, iCloud and a lot more from within Unity, on your IOS device. The plugin comes with...
View ArticleEntity Framework
Hi, Is it possible to use Entity Framework in the Unity Editor (I don't need it in-game)? This would be fantastic for our development purposes, if possible! Thanks, Rich
View ArticleRaycast only shooting on certain layers?
I'm making a Portal clone, and I have a code that is supposed to shoot only onto objects with certain layers. I start by defining the variable: Code (CSharp): public LayerMask canShootAt; Later in the...
View ArticleLow Poly Strategy Prototyper - [UPDATE 1.1]
​Howdy ! LowPoly Strategy Prototyper is our brand new asset that contains 90+ ready-to-use elements to Build or Prototype your own LowPoly styled Game. This asset has been optimised to work really fast...
View Article`UnityEngine.Sprite.border' cannot be assigned to (it is read only)
Well is pretty self explanatory, wanted only to ask if there is any way around to assign sprite borders at runtime. I'm assigning ui elements at runtime from external files and so far this is the only...
View ArticleJewel Match Framework
Hi, I'm an independent developer just starting out fresh. Hope to get support from elites and veterans here. I'm here to post about my new and upcoming (as soon as the asset store approves it) project....
View ArticleAsset usability question
Hi, just wanted to get some perspective on a system I've been working on for the last month. I'm creating a Sequence editor, something that can spawn objects, run events, evaluate curves and other...
View ArticleWhat would you like to see in a wave-based Zombie Survival game?
Hey guys, I've been working on a project with some collaborators for a few weeks now and we have been developing a Zombie Survival game. Before you begin to write a comment right now, this IS NOT a...
View ArticleUsing Alternate Code Editors with unity. What works ?
Hi all. I've decided i can't use the built in monodevelop version anymore, because it is broken. Code folding doesn't function properly. I'm trying to find some other solution, and my first plan was to...
Hi there! Here it comes!! HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK Volume 2 is now available as a special offer both on Unity Asset Store and Protofactor Store. DIRECT LINK TO ASSET STORE This pack currently...
View ArticleBravely Bear
Hey everyone! So after several false starts and a lot of learning I finally am coming to completion on my first game! You can find the Alpha HERE. I still need to insert more obstacles, add sound, add...
View ArticleHow to do something like that?
Such mountains are incredible, how to do something like that?
View ArticleUnity UI freezes using iOS 8
Hi all, I have a native iOS plugin in which I present a modal view. Once closed, it randomly causes the unity UI to freeze - sounds and interactions are still going on, but the UI does not redraw. I...
View ArticleRequest for new forum feature
I would like to petition the administrators of these forums for a new feature: Attention Cookies Yes, I realize "Like" does work somewhat towards this goal but I feel that mods could perhaps satisfy...
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