1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
A man is standing in his home , his position , his facing direction and the position of the sweet dish are given ,if he faces the sweet dish , he eats it .
Translating it into CS programming question : write a function ->
bool IsManInFrontofDish( vector3& manPosition, vector3& manFacingPos, vector3& dishPos )
which return true when the man faces the dish;
The programming part is easy , I was worried about the physics part .
3d vectors question
A man is standing in his home , his position , his facing direction and the position of the sweet dish are given ,if he faces the sweet dish , he eats it .
Translating it into CS programming question : write a function ->
bool IsManInFrontofDish( vector3& manPosition, vector3& manFacingPos, vector3& dishPos )
which return true when the man faces the dish;
The programming part is easy , I was worried about the physics part .
3d vectors question