So I finally decided to bite and bought a Razor Core X + Vega 56 for some more adventurous Mac development. Whilst the new in-built Radeon Pro series is good enough in a lot of scenario's when aiming towards BOTD level it struggles averaging 17 - 20 FPS.
Now, due to inherent bandwidth losses when considering TB3 vs. PCI-E it might seem pertinent to curb one's enthusiasm. Benchmarking w/ GL initially showed some rather dire performance results, netting on average a 50% loss compared to it's...
EGPU for Unity Mac Dev
Now, due to inherent bandwidth losses when considering TB3 vs. PCI-E it might seem pertinent to curb one's enthusiasm. Benchmarking w/ GL initially showed some rather dire performance results, netting on average a 50% loss compared to it's...
EGPU for Unity Mac Dev