I was thinking of making a game kind of like skyrim with a huge map. You can select your species you want to be such as:
-Rock Golem
- Maybe a Pheonix
Then you can go around leveling up by killing stuff. The more you level the more attacks you can learn and the more health you can get. There is going to be different starting places for each species. You will level up in that starting position till level 5. Thats when you would probably get the feeling of...
Massive Multiplayer RPG
-Rock Golem
- Maybe a Pheonix
Then you can go around leveling up by killing stuff. The more you level the more attacks you can learn and the more health you can get. There is going to be different starting places for each species. You will level up in that starting position till level 5. Thats when you would probably get the feeling of...
Massive Multiplayer RPG