Hi there,
Two years ago, a great thread on this forum, led by Metldown, npsf3000, koen.pis and hjupter among others, about cloud game hosting options, concluded, if I understood well, that:
1) There was no PaaS offer out there delivering the ping necessary to elastically (in the sense of real-time server sharding and relocation automatically managed by the provider to guarantee SLA) host authoritative servers running Unity for physics/collision calculation while providing reliably...
Authoritative Server Cloud Hosting Revisited: Anything new under the sun?
Two years ago, a great thread on this forum, led by Metldown, npsf3000, koen.pis and hjupter among others, about cloud game hosting options, concluded, if I understood well, that:
1) There was no PaaS offer out there delivering the ping necessary to elastically (in the sense of real-time server sharding and relocation automatically managed by the provider to guarantee SLA) host authoritative servers running Unity for physics/collision calculation while providing reliably...
Authoritative Server Cloud Hosting Revisited: Anything new under the sun?