Assign a sprite created from Texture2d dynamically to UI.Image with preserve aspect (yes) and also using "Aspect Ratio Fitter" - Fit in parent mode with ratio set to sprite ratio.
IOS: Image truncates the sprites every time
IOS: RawImage(with aspect ratio fitter), SpriteRenderer display the sprite correctly
Android: Image,RawImage,SpriteRender - all display picture correctly.
Load a texture2d from web or gallery. Convert it to sprite:
UI Image truncate sprites on IOS
IOS: Image truncates the sprites every time
IOS: RawImage(with aspect ratio fitter), SpriteRenderer display the sprite correctly
Android: Image,RawImage,SpriteRender - all display picture correctly.
Load a texture2d from web or gallery. Convert it to sprite:
UI Image truncate sprites on IOS