I am having a bit of trouble with my character controller (I am trying to script it on my own), namely I want to freeze rotations of rigidbody being effect of collision with terrain or other static objects, but I want to still be able to rotate it using user input.
The idea is: I wanted a third person cotroller based on FPS rigid body controller from wiki, but with ability to rotate the body with certain Input Axis (say "Rotational" axis, with buttons q and e). Ability to keep body's...
Rigidbody rotation
I am having a bit of trouble with my character controller (I am trying to script it on my own), namely I want to freeze rotations of rigidbody being effect of collision with terrain or other static objects, but I want to still be able to rotate it using user input.
The idea is: I wanted a third person cotroller based on FPS rigid body controller from wiki, but with ability to rotate the body with certain Input Axis (say "Rotational" axis, with buttons q and e). Ability to keep body's...
Rigidbody rotation