I'm really happy to see a dedicated audio section here in the forum. Thanks Unity!
I thought it might be cool to see where all the audio people do their thing, so here's a picture of my little spot. This is where I do my electronic work. Guitars, drums, and piano are in the living room. This picture is a little older and I've moved to a standing desk, but it's still pretty much the same. The thread asking about different audio programs reminded me I had this image, and you can see good old FL...
Show me yours and I'll show you mine
I thought it might be cool to see where all the audio people do their thing, so here's a picture of my little spot. This is where I do my electronic work. Guitars, drums, and piano are in the living room. This picture is a little older and I've moved to a standing desk, but it's still pretty much the same. The thread asking about different audio programs reminded me I had this image, and you can see good old FL...
Show me yours and I'll show you mine